Mason Greenwood coming back to Man Utd will make Old Trafford 'toxic' & 'full of booing', supporters' club founder says | The Sun

MASON Greenwood coming back to Manchester United will make Old Trafford "toxic" and "full of booing", says supporters' club founder. The current-suspended striker, 21, hasn't kicked a ball for the Premier League giants since he was arrested back in January 2022. He was charged with with attempted rape, assault and controlling and coercive behaviour before […]

Lionesses train ahead of Women's World Cup Final against Spain

Lionesses put on their boots for training session as they get ready for the biggest game of their lives in just two days – when they face off against Spain in World Cup Final England will take on Spain on Sunday in Sydney for the Women’s World Cup Final Sarina Wiegman’s team have been trying […]