Revenge porn victim uses damages to remove images from the internet

Revenge porn victim who caught her partner, 56, uploading naked pictures he had taken of her with hidden cameras onto adult sites uses £100,000 in damages to remove images from the internet A judge ruled last month that the woman was a victim of ‘image based abuse’ She said she is using compensation to wipe […]

56 people die in Sudan as army and paramilitary force fight for power

At least 56 civilians are killed and hundreds more are injured as violence rocks Sudan with the army and paramilitary force RSF battling for control of the presidential palace, state TV and the military HQ Fierce clashes between Sudan’s army and RSF paramilitary group have erupted  Civilians described their terror at hearing gunshots in neighbouring houses […]

Tragedy as child dies at play park on Easter Sunday

Easter tragedy as child dies at play park: Police launch probe Police have launched investigation into the death of a child in South Yorkshire Police have launched an investigation into the tragic death of a child at a play park on Easter Sunday.  Emergency services rushed to Clifton Park, in Rotherham, South Yorkshire at around 4pm on […]

Monzo staff call man 'horrible Terf' after he criticised trans policy

Monzo staff call man a ‘horrible Terf’ after he challenged the bank’s transgender policies which describe maternity leave as ‘primary care giver leave’ The bank said it offered gender neutral toilets and ‘primary caregiver leave’ Shared policy of ‘checking, not assuming’ pronouns and trans-Monzo chatgroup Monzo bank employees called a man a ‘horrible Terf’ after […]