Busted star Charlie Simpson’s son rushed to hospital over ‘terrifying’ secondary drowning

Busted's Charlie Simpson has spoken out on the "terrifying" moment he rushed his son to A&E after suffering from secondary drowning.

The 37 year old took to his Instagram feed to share exactly what happened as a warning to fellow parents.

Sharing a photo of Jago in hospital, he told his 98,900 followers: "Hi all, I wanted to share a terrifying experience we had recently with my youngest son Jago, in the hope that if it helps just one person avoid a similar situation, it will be worth it."

He then explained that they were enjoying a family day by the pool on holiday when it all took place.

"Jago is a strong swimmer for his age and he was swimming under water but suddenly came up spluttering and coughing," Charlie explained. "At no point was he left unattended, It was momentary, nothing seemingly unusual for kids to experience. We got him out and he seemed fine and happy and was completely normal for the rest of the day."

He went on to share how his youngest became "lethargic" during dinner and fell asleep in his mum's arms, before waking up and "projectile vomiting". The doctor initially diagnosed him with food poisoning, but after being informed about the coughing episode Jago suffered in the pool that day, he quickly urged the parents to take their son to A&E.

"Before the doctor left, I suddenly remembered Jago coughing in the pool that morning and I remembered reading about a condition called secondary drowning, so I relayed it to the doctor. After hearing this, his demeanour changed and he told us to go to A&E straight away," he said.

Describing the hour-long journey to the hospital, he continued: "Jago’s condition deteriorated and he seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.

"He was rushed through to have CT scans and X-Rays and to our absolute horror, we were told that he had water in his lungs and was minutes away from pneumonia."

Charlie's fears over his son's diagnosis then came true as doctors informed them he had secondary drowning. The doting dad went on: "He spent the next three days in hospital and I’m so thankful for the amazing care he received. It was the worst thing we have ever experienced.

"The scariest thing of all, is that had we not taken him to hospital when we did, the outcome could have been very different.

"After doing a lot of research, secondary drowning is seemingly quite rare but even so, not talked about. It takes less than half a glass of inhaled water to drown. Symptoms can start as long as 72 hours after the event which can make them hard to diagnose. These include vomiting, fever, laboured breathing and lethargy."

He finished his statement by adding: "I truly hope no one ever has to experience this but I hope to be able to raise some awareness of this frightening condition in case they do. x".

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