Christina Aguilera, Winnie Harlow on Rihanna Songs They'd Prefer at SB

Rihanna has A LOT of songs to consider as she finalizes her 13-minute Super Bowl set — but if she’s curious what her peers think she should sing … she might wanna watch this.

We got Christina Aguilera and Winnie Harlow heading into Drake‘s SB party Friday in Scottsdale — and, of course, we asked them about RiRi’s many options in terms of tracks she could perform Sunday … and what exactly they’d like to hear during the Halftime Show.

Check it out … each of them gives us a response, and they’re quite different. CA says she wants to see Rihanna’s take on an ODB classic — while going on to tell us she thinks Ri’s gonna kill it.

Winnie had her own pick for a Rihanna song she’d like to see performed — a fan fave, no doubt — but she also had a lot to say about the fact that Rihanna is one of the first Afro-Caribbean women to take the big stage. Winnie is of Jamaican descent, BTW.

We’ll see what Rihanna ends up deciding on … we know she’s got several variations in the can.

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