EastEnders Lucy Benjamin reveals shes banned daughters from watching Love Island

EastEnders'Lucy Benjamin has revealed that she's banned her teenage daughters from watching Love Island, as she 'doesn't think it puts out the right message'.

The 53 year old actress, who is known as Lisa Fowler in EastEnders, is mum to Bessie Jo, 16, and Rosie, 12, with her husband, Richard Taggart.

But she's spoken out about her views on Love Island, the hit ITV2 dating show, and explained why it isn't on in her house with two young daughters.

She told the Mirror: "I've got two daughters, a 12-year-old and a 16-year-old. So Love Island isn't on in our house. It doesn't sit com­­fortably with me. It's kids making out on TV and there's kind of this beautiful body image persona. Everyone looks like film stars. I don't think it puts out the right message."

"I think we have to be careful with reality TV to look after those taking part. It's picking people out of obscurity and throwing them into the limelight."

Lucy added: "I don't even particularly want my girls being actors. It's such a hard profession. I'd be careful about them going into acting or reality TV. It might leave a knot in my stomach."

She went on to talk about the importance of sustainability in one's career, and how it's crucial to not have "quick fix" fame that can take people from a "big high to a big low".

Lucy recently made her return to EastEnders as Lisa Fowler, where she was involved in a dramatic storyline as she took Keanu Taylor's four year old daughter, Peggy, away to live in Portugal without Keanu's permission.

Peggy's mother is Lisa's daughter, Louise Mitchell, who gave birth to Peggy when Keanu was having an affair with Sharon Watts, who he now shares a son, Albie with.

After Lisa returned to Albert Square and her intention to take Peggy to Portugal became clear, Keanu had tried to top them by confiscating their passports and keeping them in the home that he shares with Sharon, whilst determined to see if there was a way that he could legally prevent them from leaving.

As he prepared to take the legal advice further, Sharon and her housemate Martin Fowler helped Lisa by putting the passports back. Sharon then went to meet Keanu, and as the couple walked through the square, Keanu spotted Lisa getting in a taxi with his young daughter.

He attempted to run after the taxi in complete distress before falling to the ground as it left the square – watched by Sharon, who turned to Martin to tell him that Keanu must never find out what they'd done.

But all became clear to Keanu recently as he heard a voicemail from Lisa to Sharon, thanking her for her help to allow her to leave, which Keanu played to her in the Queen Vic.

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