Katy Perry’s alarming nickname for Russell Brand amid ex’s allegations of rape and sexual assault

Katy Perry's rather chilling nickname for ex-husband Russell Brand has been unearthed as the comedian faces numerous accusations of rape and sexual assault, claims that he has denied.

Controversial broadcaster Piers Morgan has shared the nickname that the Roar singer revealed to him in 2013 at a Vanity Fair party in Washington DC.

Katy, 38, and Russell, 48, married in October 2010 but the comedian filed for divorce just 14 months later, texting the singer to tell her the marriage was over just moments before she went on stage to perform.

Now Piers, 58, has revealed that following the marriage Katy had begun referring to her ex-husband as 'Rasputin'.

Recalling the interview attempt to The Sun, Piers shared that Katy told him she wasn't ready to speak about the marriage yet, as she explained: "Because you’ll get the truth out of me, and I’m just not ready to tell you the truth. In fact, I’m not sure I’m ready to admit the truth to myself.

"You Brits are all the same, so damn confident… Trouble is, I find that irresistible. I love Brits… Well, not all of them – not Rasputin, obviously."

Piers added that he had later told Russell of the nickname, which left him "thrilled", as he told the journalist: "I like Rasputin… he was all right, wasn't he… a mad monk with magical, mystical powers, having it off with everyone, drinking and getting into fights."

Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian mystic and holy man, who became an advisor to Tsar Nicholas II after being summoned to the Royal Court to help heal his son's haemophilia.

Rasputin is said to have eased the child's suffering, making himself indispensable to Tsarina Alexandra in the process, with rumours at court suggesting the pair were having an affair.

Inside the Royal Court Rasputin was a rather divisive figure, with some seeing him as a "visionary and prophet" while others labelled him a "charlatan."

And outside of the Court, he was said to have claimed that sex with him had healing properties. He was assassinated on 30 December 1916.

The reveal of this nickname comes as Russell continues to face allegations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse.

The allegations were brought to light in the joint investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4, and aired on TV in a harrowing episode of Channel 4's Dispatches.

Before the Channel 4 documentary aired, Russell shared a YouTube video in which he denied the "serious criminal allegations" and claimed that all his relationships "were consensual."

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