Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Probably Won't Respond to Wild Claims in New Royal Biography

Royal biographer Tom Bower’s new book, Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors (that title is…working overtime) has dished up a ton of new alleged information about the couples’ drama with the royal family—but don’t expect the Sussexes to respond anytime soon.

Why? Mostly because it isn’t really worth it. Royal expert Gareth Russell tells Us Weekly that Meghan and Harry “can’t respond to it all” because “If you go out answering every single book or allegation, it will consume your entire day. You won’t have spare time to devote to your own mental health and your own well-being.”

Gareth also notes that “When you are as famous as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, there is going to be a lot of speculation. It doesn’t always do anyone good in public life to always be answering and rebutting those claims.”

That said, Meghan and Harry haven’t exactly adopted the royals’ unofficial motto, “Never complain, never explain,” and Gareth says instead they “will probably be remembered as the people who bury that attitude for themselves and for future generations of the royals. And that, maybe, is no bad thing.”

Among the revelations in Tom Bower’s book (which, again, the Sussexes haven’t commented on) are that Harry felt “the Windsors were airbrushing the Sussexes from history” when their photo wasn’t included during the Queen’s Christmas speech, that the couple worried Victoria Beckham was leaking stories about them to the press, and that Meghan was unhappy with her Vanity Fair cover due to the headline “She’s Just Wild About Harry.”

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