Wootton: Duchess Meghan is succeeding at pulling focus from the coronation!

The Duchess of Sussex announced that she signed on with WME last week. There’s been some talk within the Sussex Squad about whether we could see an immediate change in how Meghan was discussed, analyzed and gossiped about within the British media. From what I’ve seen, most of the British media figures were simply surprised that their years-long campaign to smear Meghan has fallen flat. You have to remember, most of these people live in their own echo chambers too, just like the Windsors. They believe they can create their own alternate universe where “everyone hates Meghan and Harry” and “Hollywood shuns the Sussexes” and “Harry will eventually have no choice but to return to the UK.” They honestly believed that, and the WME news was reality crashing down on them.

Since the WME news came out, they’ve been testing out new narratives, trying to ensure that they still have some kind of power over Meghan and how she’s viewed. The Telegraph’s piece over the weekend was full of bizarre and offensive lies, antisemitism and misogyny. So, they’re seeing if any of that sticks. Meanwhile, Dan Wootton got the call and the palace talking point: Meghan’s moves last week were bad because she should have let the coronation have all of the attention! Wootton doesn’t even realize how pathetic he sounds, crying about “why is Meghan forcing everyone to talk about her??!?!?!” Some lowlights from Wootton’s latest Mail column:

Ah, good, compare Meghan to Diana: It was a predictable script taken straight out of Meghan Markle’s masterclass in ‘how-to-get-everyone-talking-about-me-again’ Hollywood PR 101. After months of purposefully shunning the spotlight, allowing her hapless husband Harry to shoulder the backlash against his grotesque and unnecessarily nasty royal shaming tell-all Spare, the Duchess of Woke has viscerally exploded back into public consciousness, with a three-step campaign seemingly taken straight from the Princess Diana playbook.

Even Wootton admits that Meghan doesn’t have to coordinate with the palace: Now, of course, Meghan is her own woman who is no longer part of the Royal Family and has no need to coordinate her media activities, something she hated doing with a passion while part of the Buckingham Palace set-up. But it is no coincidence that this trio of major interventions occurred just one week before the Coronation of King Charles III, the most important day in her father-in-law’s life.

Strategic Meg: It seems Meghan strategically timed her almost total disappearance from the spotlight for four months – a lifetime in Californian terms – in order to make maximum impact when she did emerge at this critical juncture. Even the Sussex Squad must concede there was absolutely no reason why any of these trio of PR events had to take place in the past week.

Shameless Meg: This is nothing short of a desperate and shameless bid to steal attention from the new King in his Coronation week because, I believe, she’s jealous she won’t be part of it. Having decided it is just too risky to join her husband at the Coronation, given the likelihood she would be booed by the royalist heavy crowds in London this Saturday, there was no opportunity for Meghan to re-emerge via the first Coronation in 70 years, as she may have initially planned. So now she’s doing it her own way: Guerrilla style.

[From The Mail]

Hilariously, I also kind of think that the WME news last week was probably timed specifically, but she probably thought “well, we can’t announce it in early May, because that’s way too close to the coronation, I don’t want to pull focus.” That’s why it’s so funny – the WME news came out, what? Nine or ten days before the godforsaken struggle-chubbly. The Sussexes went to the NBA Playoff game twelve days before the coronation too. Did no one tell Meghan that she wasn’t “allowed” to do anything or go anywhere for a full 30 days before the coronation? That’s why people like Dan Wootton and Camilla Tominey are screaming, crying and throwing up – because Meghan is the story, no matter when or where she shows up, and they all know it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Backgrid.

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