I absolutely hate my name…my parents don’t even pronounce it properly and call me something else, it's embarrassing | The Sun

A YOUNG girl has revealed that she absolutely hates her name.

Taking to community sharing platform Reddit, the 14-year-old explained that her parents don’t even pronounce her name right and even call her by a different moniker.

She highlighted that she finds it really embarrassing when introducing herself to others and feels extremely uncomfortable and insecure about her name.

She said: “I hate my name so much.

“It’s currently like 5am and I just finished sobbing for a whole hour over this. 

“I despise my name. It’s something that’s hard to pronounce and that 80% of people can’t spell. 

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“So since my dad’s name is Christopher, everyone of my siblings is named with a “Kris” at the start of it. 

“My first two older siblings got really good names, and my other older sister got one that’s slightly confusing but everybody can say it right but mine… I think is weird. 

“My parents wanted to name me something french to fit in the French environment. My name is Krisjeanne. 

“Like Kris and then exactly the way u say Jeanne in Jeanne D’arc. 

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“But the thing is, my parents NEVER call me that, in fact, they can’t even pronounce their own child’s name correctly. 

“This is where it gets confusing. They call me Jenny but somewhat spell it Jeanne. Which I don’t understand at all. 

“Anyways back to the point. I get anxiety every time I have to introduce myself because no one says it correctly and it embarrasses me. 

“But when I introduce myself by my nickname, they eventually find out my full name and get really confused. 

“But I don’t want to change it because I'm so used to it now.. Honestly, what are your opinions on my name, please be honest.”

The youngster later added: “Just to clarify a bit, my mom actually suggested we all be named with a Kris. 

“And if I had to be honest, if it wasn’t for the confusion/misspelling/butchering of my name I would actually probably enjoy it. 

“There’s a small side of me that wants to appreciate and embrace it like most of you say but it inconveniences me.

“I’m only 14 and very insecure about various aspects of myself, my name being the top of that list.” 

Reddit users were quick to rush to the comments to share their advice for the young girl. 

One person said: “If it makes you unhappy, there's nothing wrong with changing it! I think it's unusual, but I don't dislike it.

"That's not important, though; I'm not the one living with it, and if it's causing you this much distress, it may be worth it to find something you enjoy more!”

Another added: “I understand why you hate it. Change it if you want! Jeanne is pretty, so is Christine you could do them separately. Or pick something completely new!” 

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A third commented: “If this is affecting your day to day life, I totally advocate legally changing your name to something that you enjoy hearing, and are proud to introduce yourself as, be it a variation of Jen, Jenni, or something entirely different.

"If your parents give you grief, brush it off and lightly tell them “Sorry guys, you had your chance!" Life is too short to be miserable due to the choices of your parents.”

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