I blinged up my sister’s caravan to celebrate her new baby with balloons, presents and frilly lace EVERYWHERE | The Sun

SHE wanted to celebrate her newborn niece's arrival home from the hospital in style.

So Elizabeth Hearne decided to deck out her sister's caravan with balloons, flowers, gift baskets, a floral tea set and a LOT of lace.

Taking to TikTok to share a video of the blinged up caravan, Elizabeth wrote: "What I Done For My Niece Arabella-Grace To Come Home Too.

"Only The Best For R Princess – All Looks Handsome For Her If I Do Say So My Own Self."

People in the comments section were largely complimentary about Elizabeth's generous act for her newborn relative.

"May be over the top for some but the thought behind it is lovely and it's beautiful," one wrote.

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While another added: "Beautiful! just offer to clean it up too as mumma will be shattered!"

And a third commented: "Absolutely beautiful she’s one lucky girl."

"Beautiful thing to do," someone else weighed in.

"Wow u did an awesome amazing job," another wrote.

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Others wondered where the new mum and her baby would sit down once they returned home.

"Walking in to all that and figuring out where to put it all would send me into a breakdown hahaha," one wrote.

"where is the poor mum gunna sit when she gets home," another added.

"It's a very thoughtful gesture," someone else commented.

"But this would be the last thing I'd wanna walk into after coming home from hospital."

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However, another person argued: "People say this is over the top but you cannot fault the love and care.

"Family support when you have a baby is everything!!"

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