I'm 40 but I get trolled for 'not dressing my age' in thong bikinis and crop tops – I don't care, I look 25 | The Sun

YOUTH and beauty have been referred to as mutually exclusive, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

Rose Cordeiro is a feisty mother of four, with looks to kill and a personality to match.

Proud of her sculpted physique, she loves dressing in crop tops, thigh-skimming dresses and sky-high heels, but her daring outfits have led to some trolling online – with people labeling her "grandma" and "attention seeker."

Originally from sunny California, the bombshell mama currently lives in Texas with her four children — ages 25, 16, 14, and 10 — and is often mistaken for being nearly half her age.

"When my 25-year-old daughter and I go out, she’s used to people either thinking we’re friends or sisters," Rose revealed.


Cordeiro runs a TikTok page, currently boasting over 43k followers and counting, inspired by pandemic boredom and her 16-year-old daughter.

"I started just like a lot of people — during the pandemic," Cordeiro said. "Actually, before that, my 16-year-old daughter tried to get me to do TikToks with her."

She admitted facing some difficulty learning new moves at an older age but stuck with the new hobby.

"It's actually hard to learn dances – I'm not a dancer, my body's never done those things," she revealed. "So, for me, it would take a lot of tries. When you're older you can't remember choreography or steps."

 "It was really hard at first," she said. "But as time went on it got easier and it just kind of blew up."

"My original TikTok had like 126k followers but it actually got banned," she added.

Cordeiro also gained popularity on Instagram, where she has over 18k followers.


When it comes to expressing herself sartorially, Cordeiro is a pro. From peek-a-boo dresses to barely-there thong bikinis — the beauty is not afraid to show some skin.

While she has many supporters, not everyone is cheerful to see Cordeiro living her best life. Many haters write nasty comments to tell her she should dress her age.

"I get those comments from ‘Karens,’" she said. "But I think you should dress the way you feel like dressing. I feel good in the clothes I wear."

"It wouldn’t be me to dress the way society thinks a 48-year-old woman should dress," she added. "That wouldn’t be me and I wouldn’t be comfortable in it. Dressing the way you want shouldn’t be determined by your age."

Cordeiro believes that societal standards apply unnecessary pressures on women and their personal lives, down to what they wear — or don't wear.

"They sexualize women a lot," she said. "Which I don’t believe in."

"I don’t feel like just because a woman isn't wearing a bra — because I don’t wear bras, I'm totally against bras," she added. "Society is just brainwashed into thinking that’s a sexual thing."

Cordeiro had some choice words for critics who ask her why she doesn't dress her age.

"My question is, what is a 48-year-old woman supposed to dress like?" she said. "I don’t understand that question."

"48 is not the same as our parents' generation," she added. "We're in 2022. We can do whatever we want as long as we're not hurting anyone. Do what makes you happy."


Cordeiro is often praised for her youthful looks, garnering many fans of all ages online and in real life.

"I do get a lot of genuine, sincere people, both male and female, who are very curious about my lifestyle and how I stay healthy," she revealed.

"I get this all the time, that people love my energy, they gravitate towards it, and it puts a smile on their face," she revealed. "And they're just genuinely happy to see the videos that I post. Love those messages."

The TikToker often receives male attention online as well and is popular cross-generationally.

"They're like all ages between like 20 and 70," she revealed. "A lot of young guys."

"There's a lot of unread messages that I have that I don’t even open," she said. "But I'm pretty sure you can imagine what kinds of things they say and what kind of pictures they send."


Cordeiro is clearly passionate about travel as she can often be seen jet-setting the world, and she wants to take that gusto to the workforce.

"I got certified to become a flight attendant," she told The US Sun. "I'm either going to pursue it in the private jet industry or commercial. I'm not sure yet, but I'm leaning more toward the private jet industry."

Whether it's through entertaining large audiences on Instagram and TikTok, or studying a new career path, Cordeiro is always a mom first. She shared her favorite piece of maternal advice.

"A quote that I always give advice to people and tell my kids – 'you should always aspire to inspire other people,'" she said.

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