I'm a psychologist and here's what your dog's name says about you – Max and Lola owners better watch out | The Sun

IF you are a pet parent, it’s time to listen up as apparently, the name you give your beloved furry friend says a lot about you.

According to a psychologist, your dog’s name instantly reveals a great deal about your personality. 

We spoke to Dr Becky Spelman, Psychologist and Founder at Private Therapy Clinic, to understand more about what your dog’s name really means about you. 

According to Dr Becky, she can tell if you’re down-to-earth, bossy or sassy, so listen up if you’re got a pooch. 


If you’ve got a Dachshund called Frank, you might want to pay attention, as according to this psychologist, this choice of moniker indicates an owner as very straightforward. 

According to Dr Becky: “Owners who choose the name Frank for their dog may be seen as straightforward, down-to-earth individuals. 

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“They might appreciate simplicity and authenticity in their lives.”


While Cooper appears to be a fairly common name for a Goldendoodle, Dr Becky explained that such a name reflects the owner as someone with a friendly personality. 

She said: “The name Cooper often brings to mind a friendly and sociable personality. 

“Owners who choose this name may enjoy being part of a community and have an outgoing nature.”

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If you’ve called your pooch Charlie, according to Dr Becky, this reflects you as someone who is very affectionate.

The psychologist added: “Charlie is a popular name for dogs and can be associated with owners who are caring, affectionate, and approachable. 

“They may value companionship and enjoy nurturing relationships.”


Whereas if you’ve called your little one Max, according to Dr Becky, this indicates a confident owner.

The psychologist continued: “Owners who opt for the name Max might be perceived as confident, strong-willed, and assertive individuals. 

“They may have a preference for traditional and powerful names.”


Dr Becky explained that if you decided to call your dog Alfie, it indicates you as someone that’s care-free.

She claimed: “The name Alfie often conveys a sense of playfulness and charm. 

“Owners who choose this name may have a lighthearted and easygoing nature.”


We all loved the Labrador Retriever in Marley & Me, but apparently, such a name indicates an owner that is highly playful.

Dr Becky revealed: “The name Marley can be associated with a free-spirited and playful nature. 

“Owners who name their dogs Marley may have a zest for life and a love for fun and excitement.”


Similarly, if your pet is called Daisy, according to this expert, it indicates you as someone very sweet and innocent. 

She added: “Daisy is a name often associated with sweetness and innocence. 

“Owners who select this name might be seen as gentle, nurturing, and kind-hearted individuals.”


For those with a dog called Lucy, it’s highly likely that you are a smart cookie, according to this psychologist.

She claimed: “Lucy is a name that suggests intelligence and curiosity. 

“Owners who name their dogs Lucy may be viewed as inquisitive and quick-thinking individuals.”


We’ve all met a dog called Roxy at least once or twice, but according to Dr Becky, the owners of such dogs are typically very energetic.

She stated: “The name Roxy can evoke a sense of energy and adventure. 

“Owners who choose this name may be seen as lively, outgoing, and perhaps even a little mischievous.”


Not only this, but if you’ve ever stumbled across a dog called Lola, Dr Becky claimed that their owner is probably someone very sassy. 

She confirmed: “Lola is a name that often brings to mind a sassy and confident personality. 

“Owners who choose this name may be perceived as bold, expressive, and independent.”


While it might not be the most typical name of the bunch, if you opted for the moniker Priscilla for your furry friend, it instantly says a lot about your personality. 

Dr Becky noted: “The name Priscilla may suggest a bossy and no-nonsense attitude. 

“Owners who choose this name for their dog might be seen as assertive, strong-willed, and perhaps a bit demanding.”


Finally, if your pet is called Karen, according to Dr Becky, you are someone who is typically very entitled. 

The psychologist concluded: “Karen has gained a reputation for being associated with entitled and demanding behaviour. 

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“Owners who select this name may have a touch of sass and embrace their assertiveness.” 

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