I’m a psychologist – what your least favourite cleaning job says about you & it’s bad news if you hate dusting | The Sun

WE all know that there's one household job we'll avoid doing at all costs.

It's either way too time-consuming, boring, or in some cases, even pointless.

But what does your least favourite cleaning chore say about you?

According to psychologist Emma Kenny, a lot – and apparently, your dislike of one, in particular, suggests you might be a bit of a control freak…

Dusting: The Diligent Perfectionist

If dusting is the job you dislike the most, Emma, 45, claims this could be a sign that you've got an eye for detail, and are a bit of a perfectionist.

She said: "As someone who dislikes dusting as a household chore, you often have a personality characterised by a desire for perfection and precision.


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"You may find dusting to be a tedious task that requires meticulous attention to detail.

"Your dislike for dusting stems from the fact that it can be time-consuming and requires patience, you simply prefer activities that offer more visible and immediate results.

"Despite your aversion to dusting, your diligent nature shines through in other areas of your life where you strive for excellence and precision."

Hoovering: The Efficiency Enthusiast

But if getting out the Dyson is a sickening thought, this could suggest you're more focused on efficiency.

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The mum-of-two continued: "If hoovering ranks as your least favourite household chore, it suggests that you have a personality driven by efficiency and practicality.

"You find this chore to be repetitive and time-consuming, as it requires manoeuvring around furniture and ensuring every corner is clean.

"Instead, you prefer activities that draw attention to your hard work and that once completed do not require repeat efforts.

"Your efficiency-driven mindset is likely to manifest in other areas of your life, where you prioritise time management and strive for optimal productivity."

Laundry: The Pragmatic Organiser

"As someone who dislikes doing laundry, you often possess a pragmatic and organised personality," revealed Emma.

"Laundry can be seen as a never-ending task that requires sorting, washing, and folding clothes. You may find it repetitive and time-consuming, which can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed.

"Your dislike for laundry may stem from a preference for activities that offer more immediate gratification or a desire to invest your time in more intellectually-stimulating pursuits.

"Nevertheless, your pragmatic nature shines through in other aspects of your life, where you excel in planning, organising, and problem-solving."

Washing Up: The Time-Conscious Multitasker

"If washing up is your least favourite household chore, then it tends to be down to the activity feeling pointless.

"You find the task of washing dishes to be repetitive and time-consuming, taking away precious moments that could be spent on more enjoyable activities," continued the former This Morning regular.

"You feel happier when you are multitasking or focusing on activities that provide a more immediate return for your efforts. You prefer to allocate your time and energy to endeavours that align with your passions and interests.

"As you have such a time-conscious mindset, you tend to excel in managing your responsibilities, whilst making the most of each moment."

Food Shopping: The Spontaneous Adventurer

But what if it's the weekly trip to Tesco or ASDA that you moan about?

Emma revealed: "If you hate doing the weekly food shop, it indicates that you possess a spontaneous and adventurous personality.

"You find food shopping to be mundane and time-consuming, and would much rather engage in activities that offer more excitement and novelty.

"Your hate the humdrum rhythm of your supermarket shop and prefer experiences that have the capacity to stimulate your senses.

"You thrive on exploring new environments and engaging in activities that offer a sense of adventure, and your curious nature allows you to embrace life's unexpected opportunities and seek out thrilling experiences."

Ironing: The Perfectionist with Attention to Detail

However, if ironing is the least enjoyable to you, Emma suggests this could mean you're a perfectionist – and lack patience.

"You possess a pleasers personality, and whilst you have a general eye for detail you struggle with how quickly creases reappear after all your hard work.

"Ironing requires precision and patience, as each garment needs to be smoothed and pressed meticulously. Meaning that it is a time-consuming task that can ultimately lead to a feeling of frustration.

"You prefer instead to invest your time in activities that provide more tangible outcomes or intellectual stimulation.

"Nevertheless, your attention to detail and commitment to excellence are likely to shine through in other areas of your life, where you strive for tend to strive for perfection."

Gardening: The Nature Enthusiast

"If you struggle to keep on top of your gardening responsibilities, it suggests that you tend to dislike time-consuming and physically demanding tasks," shared the psychologist.

"However, it's important to note that your disinterest in gardening doesn't diminish your appreciation for nature and the beauty it offers.

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"While gardening may not be your cup of tea, you still find ways to connect with the natural world, and enjoy outdoor activities, and the sights and sounds of nature.

"You thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to sit in the garden with a glass of your favourite wine, but would much rather pay someone else to keep it looking neat and tidy."

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