My friend doesn’t feed her four-year-old son properly – he came to stay with me for a week and gained 5lbs | The Sun

A WOMAN explained that she was worried that her friend wasn't feeding her four-year-old son properly as he was very slim and even the GP had been asking questions.

The concerned friend had the young lad to stay while his mum was caring for an unwell relative, and she said he wolfed down the food he was given.

She even said that she weighed him at the start and end of his stay and he had gained five pounds, although her husband wasn't impressed that she had weighed him.

Taking to Mumsnet, she said: "He's very small for his age and her health visitor and GP have made suggestions about how to change this.

"She isn't vegan but eats meat seldom and only shops organic and local.

"She makes these dishes which are foreign type stews with things like aubergine and squash (I eat/cook these things too) and will sprinkle some feta or another cheese on top.

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"Or something with spinach and lentils. It isn't awful but for an acquired taste."

She explained that her friend is into ethical shopping so rarely buys meat as it is always free range and organic and therefore, very expensive.

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She said: "The trouble is, when I see the vegetables, they are often old (she gets a lot of home grown produce from her own allotment or that of friends) so I imagine the nutrients are depleted.

"Her son barely eats any of the food she gives him and she does worry about that because he's not only small but has some vitamin deficiencies too.

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"But she thinks it has something else going on rather then he just doesn't like the food she makes."

The woman then explained that she had the four-year-old at her house for ten days as his mum had to care for a relative who was unwell and in hospital.

She said: "She gave no dietary instructions so I just fed him like I do my own kids (three, three and one) on home cooked meals cooked from scratch (spaghetti bolognese, shepherd's pie, burgers and chips) and he wolfed it down.

"In fact, the first day he came he had seconds and ice cream and jelly afterwards (pudding isn't routine in our house).

"I am embarrassed to say that I weighed him that night and the day before he went home. He gained 5lbs!

"My husband felt that I was out of order weighing him but I have to say that seeing him eat like that made me want to prove something I'd suspected all along."]

She explained she wanted to tell her friend but was nervous about how to broach the topic.

She said: "I want to tell her that her son badly needs to eat food he likes and is healthy for a child.

She often refers to childhood obesity but I think she underestimates the amount of fat and carbs a growing child needs."

Fellow Mumsnet users were quick to jump in with their thoughts.

One person said: "I would be really wary of getting too involved here, but I think you could try to say a few things in a non-judgemental way, eg 'your DS loves spag bol doesn't he? He had second helpings last night!' or similar."

Another said: "You seem to think chips, burgers, ice cream and jelly are nutritious foods for children. They are not. Mind your own business."

A third said: "I would stay quiet. Her menu sounds much healthier than yours, it just sounds like she’s struggling in her approach to getting him to eat properly.

"Yes under eating isn’t healthy but neither is a diet of red meat and white carbs…"

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While another said: "I think the only thing you can do is say how well, how much and what he ate at yours.

"Just say he wasn't a picky eater when you had him. Perhaps invite them for tea so she can see for herself."

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