Savvy shopper shares genius trick to get vegetables loads cheaper in supermarkets | The Sun

WE ALL want to save some extra cash when doing our food shops, especially right now.

With the cost of seemingly everything soaring, even a few pence can make a massive difference.

One savvy shopper revealed the genius shopping hack which saves her loads of money on vegetables in supermarkets.

Charmane shared the trick on her TikTok account @charsbusbanter and it's racked up a whopping 1.4 million views.

She said: "A little bit of a tip for when you're out doing your shopping to save a little bit of money."

Charmane showed how the pack of three onions was priced as 90p, which most of us would probably grab without thinking twice about.

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However the loose onions where only priced as 75p per kilogram – which worked out as 27p for three when she weighed them.

"That's saved me 63p and you can do that with plenty of other fruit and veg, so make sure you're double checking," she added.

Viewers were amazed by the trick, one quipped: "How did I not know this?!"

A second wrote: "What the hell, 63p for packaging, that's more than the lose ones themselves."

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Another agreed: "Look at the price per kilo, I do it for everything now, end up saving loads!"

"No way I bought a pack yesterday, I'm fuming!"

Whilst someone else said: "Annoys me when people buy those little jars of herbs/spices for £1.50 when you can get big bags for £1 on the world food aisle."

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