You’re in the top 15% of people if you can spot the sunglasses in this mind-boggling brainteaser in less than 30 seconds | The Sun

FEELING a little sluggish this afternoon? Then we've got just the thing to perk you up.

A new brainteaser by online casino Mr Gamble challenges players to spot the sunglasses hiding in plain sight among the playing cards, dice and Vegas signs.

According to the creators, just 15 per cent of people will spot it straight away.

So will YOU be one of the top players?

Or if you're anything like us, you'll study the illustration for a couple of minutes before calling it quits.

If you're struggling to find them, we'd suggest honing in on some of the smaller icons in and around the puzzle.

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Brainteaser challenges YOU to find rattle among the cribs in under 90 seconds

You’re in the top 1% if you can solve this mind-boggling brain teaser

Trust us, you'll kick yourself later if you don't look at each and every part of the grid.

But if you fancy another clue, it's worth concentrating in the middle of the picture.

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Spotted it yet? Keep scrolling to find out if you've got it right.

What's more, the casino has also come out with a tricky slot machine spot-the-difference puzzle too if you fancy giving your memory a workout.

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For more challenges, you could be the record holder if you solve both gardening brainteasers in under 51 seconds.

And if you can’t find the odd sofa in this brainteaser in 30 seconds you’re not alone – but three in five people beat you.

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