After I lost my mum, you helped me pull myself out of my depression | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER I lost my mum to Covid in 2020, I had a mental breakdown and became severely depressed. 

I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she’d gone into hospital for a routine procedure, caught Covid and never came out. 

She was only 72 and should have had at least ten more years. I’m 48.

What made things worse was that I wasn’t allowed to see her before she died, and hardly anyone was able to attend her funeral.

I felt so alone and depressed. 

You promised that things would get easier if I got help.

You sent me your support packs on Depression and on Bereavement, and recommended I contact The Good Grief Trust.

Slowly, with the aid of a grief counsellor, I have started to come to terms with my mum’s death. 

As I couldn’t have a proper funeral for her due to lockdown restrictions, I organised a memorial service for close friends and family, with her favourite music and pictures of her.

That really helped me to say goodbye and finally get closure.

Thank you for helping me get through the past three years. 

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m so glad you’re in a better place now, and able to focus on your good memories of your mum.


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