For Black Women Entrepreneurs, Self-Care Is Not A Luxury; It's A Necessity

Carving out time for wellness in today’s hustle culture is not easy. Especially when you’re running a multi-million dollar company with employees, product launches and a never-ending to-do list.

Though self-care may feel like a luxury, business women Beatrice Dixon, CEO, founder and Chief Innovation Officer of The Honey Pot, and Melissa Butler, CEO of The Lip Bar, say it’s a necessity. At the 2022 ESSENCE Fest Beauty Carnival, the two bosses and friends sat down for a candid conversation about reclaiming their wellness and the tools they use to replenish themselves.

Read below for some of our favorite takeaways from the talk.

“When you have that title CEO behind your name, it comes with a lot of responsibilities. It is a requirement for you to take a step back and say, ‘When am I not able to give my best?’ and be okay with that. So you can let the people around you know, ‘Hey, I may not be able to show up the way you want me to, but this is what I can do.” –Melissa

“I do a lot of work. When I’m actually home, I get oxygen therapy, I go to the chiropractor, I have an esoteric therapist, I have a clinical therapist. I get quiet. I’m not the best at journaling, but I do know how to sit down and meditate. I use gong meditation because it’s easier to meditate with that.” –Beatrice

“When I know that I am not at one hundred percent, I take a pause. I take that pause and I say, it’s okay to feel however you’re feeling and I acknowledge that. Then, I journal. I figure out how that pain or trauma is showing up in my body. I meditate, I pull cards, I stare at the moon, I hug trees. I do all of the things that make me feel whole.” -Melissa

“Sometimes, I’m okay with just being sad. Being a founder can be very lonely. Because it’s hard to give of yourself and to give to everybody else. I’m a leader in my business. I’m a leader in my family, in my relationships and friendships. That is a lot. And I think I’ve just given grace to myself. I can only do what I can do.” – Beatrice

“Whenever I’m feeling down, I take stock of what I have eaten. Sugar brings me down. Sugar causes brain fog and makes it much more difficult for you to actually meditate. So when I’m really trying to get over something, I’ll start working out more. I’ll try to eat as clean as possible because then I am able to focus on my truth and my purpose so that I can show up as the best version of me.”- Melissa

“You can’t serve everybody, you just can’t.” –Beatrice

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