Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for Thursday, November 2


From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed you will never seem to stop. You also need to give a job matter some serious thought. There are decisions to be made. You don’t want to ignore them before it is too late and someone else grabs an opportunity that could have gone to you.


You and a friend or partner will decide to go your separate ways. This won’t have been an easy decision for either of you but it is one that had to be made. It will make you sad as endings bring out some powerful reactions but it will also bring closure.


If you have recently moved to a new area or changed jobs, you will appreciate the chance to take a look around you and get your bearings. Results of an interview, test or examination will surpass your expectations. Give yourself a pat on the back.


The only way you are going to get on top of a work project is to put in overtime or to go into the office on your day off. You’re growing tired of having to cover for a colleague whose behaviour is and has been irresponsible. If the situation is becoming unbearable you should talk to your boss about it.


Be sure to give lashings of praise where and when it is due. You have been so busy lately you may have missed the little things that mean a lot when it comes to keeping close relationships healthy and strong. Your encouragement will give someone in the family more confidence in themselves.


You should not feel you have to agree with people in order to please them. There continues to be a difference of opinion between you and a friend or workmate. You long for this matter to be resolved but neither of you can seem to understand the other’s point of view.


You’re ready to discuss your feelings and you will agree to be honest and open with someone close. You’ve had a few worries on your mind. Once your partner understands your concerns they are likely to be more truthful with you.


Accept an invitation to join someone in a creative exercise that could well be a source of joy. As some commitments come to an end there will be a need to take a critical look at the future. Taking up a position at a volunteer organisation will introduce you to a new circle of friends.


Keep out of it if you discover a friend has been deceived. You know someone is going to be hurt by this and you would like to minimise damage but if you get involved it will look as if you have been aiding and abetting a betrayal

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An advertisement or discussion on a social media site will spark your interest. You will want to find out more about an alternative form of medicine. Before splashing out on expensive treatments, talk to friends with experience in this area and ask for their advice.


Group activities that had started to bore you will grab your interest once again. Someone is talking about making changes you have been hoping to see for a long time. Don’t push or rush anyone into anything but do encourage their interest while you have the chance.


You will be happy to attend to odd jobs that have built up around the home and garden but you won’t be in the mood to take up a friend’s suggestion to start something completely new. Read through emails and open all letters or you could mistake something that looks like junk communication only it isn’t.

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