I'm contemplating having an affair because my wife has stopped making an effort | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I AM contemplating having an affair because my wife has stopped making an effort with me.

She is beautiful but as soon as she gets in from work she wipes her make-up off and rather than slip into some of the sexy lingerie I bought her, she goes into granny mode putting on a dressing gown and slippers.

I’m 44 and she is 43. Our children are teenagers now but despite having more alone time nowadays she doesn’t make an effort to spice up things in the bedroom like she used to.

I’ve started to look at women online and I’m entertaining the thought of having an affair.

The only thing stopping me is the thought of her leaving me and our sons finding out.

But part of me feels like she has checked out mentally if she is not attempting to be intimate.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Please don’t resort to having an affair as this will only make matters worse.

Try talking to her and tell her how much you miss the days when you were more intimate together.

Create moments you can fill with romance and set the scene for cosy evenings together.

Invite her to do the same for you sometimes.

I’m sending you my support pack Saving Your Sex Life. It has plenty of advice and ideas to help.

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