Inside the UK's 'WORST' Wetherspoons – with empty seats, bad service and NO beers on tap | The Sun

A PUNTER was shocked by the UK's "worst" Wetherspoons – with empty seats, bad service and no beers on tap.

Charles Wade-Palmer was playing golf on Clacton Pier in Essex on Monday when the rain sent him scurrying for cover.

He took shelter inside the Moon and Starfish Wetherspoons pub opposite the pier.

The pub struck him as "eerily empty" – and then he noticed something badly wrong.

Writing in the Daily Star, he said: "I finally spotted a notice which read 'No Draught products are currently available, Apologies for any inconveniences'.

"Ever the observant punter, I turned my head to the rest of the pub at which point the penny fully dropped – tables all around me were strewn with bottles.

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"One chap had three bottles of Hooch for company, a trio of discerning gentlemen had a circular table of Efes bottles."

Charles ordered a large bottle of Camden Hells lager – which a Wetherspoons worker brought over without a glass.

When he asked for a glass, one was "forcefully slapped" down on his table.

A staff member told Charles that a gas problem in the pub cellar had put the draught taps out of order.

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Charles is not the only customer to have had a bad experience at the Clacton Spoons.

Robert said: "We had cold food and dirty cutlery. The staff were far too busy to check up on how things were. Give it a miss."

Joseph said: "The servers and service was lovely. However the quality of everything else was poor.

"Food came out stone cold. The cider we drank was just about passable. The toilets were foul."

Fiona said: "This place needs a full refurbishment. The food was cold, it needs a good clean – the worst Wetherspoons we have ever visited."

Mike said: "We visited there in June – what a big, big mistake.

"The place had tables of half-eaten food and rubbish literally everywhere. A tip.

"The coffee machine was playing up and did not have any milk. My partner's food looked like a bowl of dog sick.

"My food was basically cold, except the egg – which I am pretty positive was made of rubber. Unable to cut it as well."

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JD Wetherspoon said: "There was an issue with the gas which affected draught. That has since been resolved.

"We wouldn’t wish to comment further."

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