Meghan Markle puts her own needs before Harry’s, expert claims

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are one of the most tactile royal couples, regularly displaying their affection, and offering each other support when necessary. But according to a body language expert, the Duchess of Sussex’s own emotional needs “trump” her husband’s.

Body language expert, life coach, and relationship expert Nicole Moore looked back at the couple’s Netflix series and the moments when Harry seemed to display anxiety.

One moment, in particular, was when they were in the car together, and Harry was visibly agitated by the press following them behind. Meghan reached out and held Harry’s hand in response.

Nicole analysed this scene and offered her expert opinion to The List. She said Meghan offered “minimal support to Harry while he’s dealing with anxiety”.

She noted Meghan taking “a deep inhale at the start of the clip while her body remains stiff”, which Nicole said suggested she was nervous.

In contrast, Harry “had more relaxed shoulders” but was “pensive” and chose to “look out the window”.

Nicole suggested Harry “appeared to have less anxiety at this moment than Meghan”.

She went on to say that this seemingly small moment could indicate “a larger dynamic at play” for Meghan and Harry.

The expert claimed Harry’s anxiety could “stem mostly from how much Meghan’s anxiety affects him”.

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Nicole said that perhaps Harry is less worried about himself “as much as he’s worried about Meghan”.

She also referenced when Harry offered his wife words of comfort by mentioning how they were only 10 minutes away from seeing friends, he turned his head towards Meghan as a “desire to connect”.

While Meghan responded by whispering yes, her head and mouth moved slightly sideways, but her head and body remained in position.

Nicole claimed Meghan “acknowledged his comment” but didn’t make effort to “connect” with Harry.

The expert expanded on this point and suggested Meghan “offered a minimal dose of support to Harry” but “remained completely connected to her own anxiety and concerns the whole time”.

Nicole claimed: “In this clip, the dynamic appears to be: Meghan’s inner discomfort comes before Harry’s.”

This moment in the couple’s docuseries wasn’t the only time Harry seemingly put his wife’s emotions before his own.

Funeral guest Pranav Bhanot told People about the time he witnessed Harry reassuring Meghan at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Pranav explained how “supportive” Harry was to his wife, and “when they went their separate directions after the ceremony, he gave her a firm squeeze of the hand”.

The guest “felt [Harry] wanted to ensure she [Meghan] felt comfortable” despite it being the funeral of his grandmother.

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