Mischievous moggies who got themselves into VERY unusual situations

Mischievous moggies! Bizarre photos show cats getting themselves into some VERY unusual situations

  • People around the world have shared photos of cats behaving unusually
  • READ MORE: Pet lovers reveal how feline friends put a smile on their face

Cats are mysterious creatures at the best of times, with their owners often wondering what on earth goes on inside their beloved pets’ heads.

Unlike dogs, who love their human owners unconditionally, cats are much more independent – and sometimes engage in downright weird behaviour.

Defused.com has compiled some of the most bizarre and unusual scenarios people from around the world have shared online of their cats – and the results are at times inexplicable.

They include photos of the creatures contorting themselves into odd positions and behaving very strangely.

One owner joked that her cats had joined a cult after discovering them sitting in a circle on the table, staring up at the light.

Cats are mysterious creatures at the best of times, and some photos shared online by cat lovers and owners certainly prove it – like this incredibly suspicious-looking feline. Both its guilty facial expression and unusual markings that look like someone has given it a comedy moustache suggest it’s absolutely up to no good

Elsewhere a woman was left in stitches after snapping her cat trying on one of her bras. 

It’s unclear how the unlikely friendship formed, but onlookers were no doubt baffled to spot a black cat hitching a ride on the back of a goose.

And another owner found their cat taking a nap in their box file – looking surprisingly comfortable. 

Here Femail reveals the feline friends who never fail to surprise with their antics.  

Have you ever been THIS tired? Someone’s exhausted feline has found itself a VERY unusual sleeping place after finding it was just too much effort to keep its eyes open

Sometimes, cats just want to be like their owners! This feline is trying on her training bra, after slotting herself into her owner’s underwear

At first glance, it looks like this black cat has been cornered as it dramatically contorts it body so as not to fall into the bath full of water. But on closer inspection, it’s quite clear that the bath is completely empty

This cat owner thinks he/she may have interrupted something after walking into the room to find them sitting around the dining room table and staring up at the central light fitting as if worshipping the piece of furniture

Is someone looking for attention? This flexible feline is showing off its acrobatic talents as it stands outside the back door waiting to be let inside

Perfect placement! This person has adjusted their computer screen background to account for a regular visitor who peers out from behind the monitor

Three’s a crowd! For an unknown reason, this trio are walking so close together that they are almost squeezing out the little black cat in the middle, who looks quite squashed and uncomfortable

One cat owner in the US revealed that they tried to communicate with their cat by speaking the feline’s ‘language’ and offering up a meow – but something they said clearly offended the pet, who stared back at them in shock

Cats are known for being wanderers, and often stroll into neighbours’ houses in order to enjoy treats and affection. But this cat in the UK seems to enjoy visiting its neighbours to flash them judgmental looks through the back door

One cat owner, who has three pets, went to great lengths to ensure each of their felines had plenty of space to eat together and in an orderly fashion. Sadly, the cats didn’t appreciate the efforts of their owner

They call it puppy love! This cat, who lives with a dog, seems to have had her peace disturbed while she was trying to catch some shut-eye as the adoring pup lavished her with sloppy kisses – which were not appreciated

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