Mum expecting a baby after falling in love with her window cleaner

A woman is expecting a baby with her window cleaner after they fell in love over cups of tea. 

Gemma Stephenson first laid eyes on Sean Nodwell when he was working on her neighbour’s house.  

He offered her his services and she agreed. The pair got chatting during his work break, and the friendship soon turned into something more. 

Two years later and the couple are ‘happier than ever’ to be having their first baby together. 

The 36-year-old massage therapist is four-and-a-half months pregnant and says their baby is happy and healthy. 

Hailing from Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, Gemma has two children from a previous relationship. 

She said: ‘Life can surprise you in the best way when you least expect it and you really don’t know what the future may bring, but things happen how they are supposed to and we are now happier than ever.

‘I’m so glad I took him on to clean my windows, I can’t wait to start our family together and our baby will definitely be supporting Man United like us!’

The unlikely romance began when Sean offered to help single mum Gemma to carry some heavy bags from her car. 

She spotted him in her next-door neighbours’ garden as she was coming from the car with her weekly shop.

‘He said hello to me in a soft Scouse accent and offered to help me with the shopping which was really sweet but to which I politely declined,’ she recalled. 

‘At this point, I thought that was a really nice gesture, as I had been a single mum for many years and was used to doing this kind of thing by myself.’

Gemma saw on the estate again a few weeks later where he offered her his window cleaning services. She said yes, as he had also been recommended by her neighbour. 

She said: ‘Out of the blue, approximately a week or so later, he walked into my garden carrying his ladders and a bucket and made a cheeky remark, saying, “alright love, I’ve come to clean your windows for you”. 

‘While he started work, he shouted down to me, “any chance of a brew like haha” so I made him a cuppa and he came down and we started talking about our lives.’

Sean came round again for another brew and a chat in the garden while he worked. The two hit it off. 

‘I enjoyed seeing Sean because he always made me laugh and we would talk about the most crazy things, from music to kids to gardening,’ Gemma added.

Sean then decided to quit the window cleaning business and the two didn’t see each other for several months.

They reunited for his leaving drinks down the pub as he was moving out of the area and back to Merseyside after splitting from his wife.

Now single, Sean got in touch with Gemma the following week asking what she was doing that weekend as he didn’t have plans. 

She said: ‘We continued to chat a bit more until half an hour into the conversation, he said “I’m going to get a train now and come see you, is that ok?”

‘That night, we chatted until the early hours of the morning, playing poker, having a few drinks and laughing like teenagers.’

Since that weekend in June 2021, the two kept seeing each other, making trips to Blackpool and Wakefield, singing at karaoke bars, going out for food and spa days and staying in hotels. 

Eight months later, they were shocked to discover that Gemma was pregnant. 

They found out they are expecting a baby boy, who is due November 2022. They plan to name him after Sean’s grandfather, Joseph. 

Now working as a warehouse operative, Sean said: ‘You never know when you’re going to meet someone.

‘I’m looking forward to bringing Joseph up and being a happy, normal family, and he could be a Man United fan too!’

Gemma says the two are enjoying endless ‘good times’.

She added: ‘We were living a carefree life of fun, passion and excitement – it was like a rollercoaster and the ride just got better.

‘We met up whenever we had free time and then I discovered that I was pregnant and went into total shock mode!

‘Four months later, we are happier than ever to be having our first baby together.’

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