One in ten Gen Z adults have never sought support – for mental health struggles

Two-thirds of young adults have been through, or are currently experiencing, a serious trauma – but nearly one in ten of these (8%) have never opened up to someone who could help them.

A third (34%) of 15-25-year-olds are struggling or have struggled with debt problems, while 24% face difficulties finding work – and 38% have dealt with mental health problems.

But seven in ten, of the 1,000 young adults polled, believe there is a stigma around such things – including homelessness and abuse.

And 37% feel there is not very much help – or no help at all – available for young people facing such issues.

Other reasons for not seeking support include not wanting to be a “burden”, fear of being judged – and simply not knowing where to turn.

The research was commissioned by the KFC Foundation to mark its partnership with Comic Relief, having raised £3 million since 2019.

Together, the charities have been raising funds in a bid to help organisations in local communities by providing safe social spaces, mentoring, employment, and social skills for young people.

Ahead of this Red Nose Day on March 17th, Strictly Come Dancing contestant and KISS Radio DJ, Tyler West, has joined forces to tackle the stigma around these issues, and shine a light on the support that is out there.

Tyler West said: “I can relate to needing support and being afraid to ask for it – but I also know how much impact that support can have on a young person's life.

“That is why the funding from Comic Relief and the KFC Foundation is so important. It translates into real-life benefits for real people when they need it most.

“So this Red Nose Day, share a bucket, buy a bucket, or wear a bucket hat, and you can help make sure young people know they have somewhere to go.”

For those who are yet to go through any serious issues, 59% claim they would try and solve it themselves before trying to get help – with only 6% considering seeking help from local charities.

And of the 53% who have known someone going through a crisis in their life, 42% said this person stayed quiet about it for “a long time”.

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But this could leave people feeling anxious (43%), worried (46%), and vulnerable (37%).

Positively, over half (52%) of young Brits polled, via OnePoll, would consider going into a profession when they are older that helps young people dealing with serious issues.

Based in Blackpool, one of the organisations supported by the KFC Foundation and Comic Relief is Streetlife.

It mentors, coaches, and advocates for homeless young people in the local community, helping them find their feet and a stable home so they can think about their future and take steps towards it.

Kaitlyn, 19, beneficiary of the charitable organisation, said: “I’ve been with Streetlife since November 2021, and have pretty much been with the project every day for the past year.

“We build bonds between people and everyone gets to know each other, so it’s something I’m really grateful for.

“I believe that if more people spoke out about their experience and what they’ve been through, it would help make it easier for other people.”

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