Pom Klementieff and Simon Pegg Hilariously Prank MTV UK Reporter

Simon Pegg was in his "Mission: Impossible" co-star Pom Klementieff's ear the whole time she was being interviewed by MTV's Harriet Rose leading to some hilariously uncomfortable moments.

It’s a classic prank format that never gets old, with Pom Klementieff turning in an award-worthy performance. During a recent UK interview with MTV UK’s Harriet Rose, Pom had her “Mission: Impossible” co-star Simon Pegg in her ear feeding her nonsense the whole time.

It was about as perfectly executed as a prank like this can be, with Pom not just delivering the ridiculous lines Simon was feeding her, but actually digging deep and emoting. When she had to say that a Millennial killed her dog, she made us feel that loss.

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Honestly, we’re not sure if we’ve seen a funnier execution of this prank, as Harriet was so sweet and concerned throughout, both for the sad and strange things Pom kept saying and at times, perhaps, for Pom’s mental well-being.

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Simon really put his “Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning, Part One” co-star through the wringer on this one, not only having her have to share that her dog was killed by a Millennial in a brutally savage way, which Pom teared up while saying (chef’s kiss!), but she had to drop hashtags in her movie description, mess up Harriet’s name and get super-giddy while miming action sequences.

At one point, she even had to express that she’d fallen in love with a horse. We’re not sure who was having more fun in these sequences, Pom really selling the nonsense while somehow keeping a (mostly) straight face, or Simon dying on the other side of the monitor.

Thankfully, they put Harriet out of her misery before it dragged on too long, as she really looked like she had no idea what was happening and what interview she had walked in on — we can’t blame her as we’d be freaked out, too. All in all, it was beautifully absurd nonsense … and a testament to the depths of Pom’s acting talent.

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