Woman says we need equal partners as mums dont always have it together

A woman has claimed mothers "need equal partners", as they don't always "have their s**t together."

Anneliese King is a content creator who works to help parents feel seen.

In a recent post the mother, who boasts over 290,000 followers on Instagram, has now opened up about how important it is for partners to share the workload when it comes to parenting.

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To highlight the topic she shared a video of herself looking super casual, tired and sipping coffee.

She captioned the clip: "Wishing you were one of those perfect moms who always has her s**t together."

A while later, she added: "But remembering you don't always have to have your shit together, because you have a capable partner who actually parents just as much as you."

She used bedtime as an example of a time that's lovely for parents, but can also be very tiring.

As much as she loves tucking her children into bed at night, she said it can be really hard to get children to settle down.

Writing on Instagram, Anneliese said: "Bed time is SO HARD.

"Especially for parents who parent all day and don’t have anything left. I don’t usually have my shit together by bed time.

"And I think a lot of us feel that way. Am I right? But thankfully, I have the option to opt out of bed time.

"Most nights my husband leads the 3 B’s. Bath, book, and bedtime.

"I’m there, I check in, but usually I just finish up the dishes or sit down for a sec, or just put out everyone’s pyjamas and pop back in to say goodnight.

"I don’t hate putting the kids to bed. I love the snuggles and the smiles.

"But let’s not pretend bed time is super chill and easy.

"There’s a lot of whining and tears and last minute water cups.

"It’s exhausting and the last thing I want is for my kids to go to bed on a bad note, because I didn’t have the patience.

"We need equal partners. Our kids need them. Let’s normalise this shit.

"Is bed time like this for y’all?"

Over 1,500 people have liked the post, with many people agreeing with Anneliese's words.

More than 70 people have also commented discussing the importance of shared parenting.

One person said: "Having a supportive husband is key to success and keeping your sanity."

A second added: "I feel this in my soul."

Meanwhile, a third commented: "This post is spot on for us.

"Bedtime is so bloody hard, but it's nice to know others experience the same.

"Thanks for sharing."


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