Your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of October 2022

Your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of September 2022

Libra season is here and we’ve just been through the autumn equinox, suggesting the month ahead is a time for balance and reflection.

Mercury retrograde also finishes today, so get ready to break free from the miscommunications and delays this planetary event can cause.

To get through this period of change feeling renewed, Tarot and astrology can help you forge the right path.

Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ tarot horoscopes for October 2022.

Each star sign has three tarot cards drawn, with a breakdown of what this means for the time ahead.

For Virgo, for example, this is a time for self-care – or else burnout looms.

While for Aquarius, it’s time to exit a situation that’s no longer serving you.

Read on for your month-ahead forecast below.


March 21 to April 20

Tarot cards for Aries for October: King of Cups, Ace of Cups, Five of Coins

Meaning: Relationships mend.

Something from your love life or relationship (friend, family) past which was difficult and upsetting will be put right this month as shown by the grieving Five of Coins and the new beginnings Ace of Cups.

If you’ve had a break-up, expect reconciliation (or at least peace), if you’ve regretted something then you’ll be forgiven, if you’ve lost touch then you’ll rekindle, if you’ve been burnt by an ex and struggled to heal then you’ll meet someone who uplifts you.

The King of Cups shows this represents huge personal growth and fulfilment. You are overcoming, and healing from, a blow which emotionally rocked you to the core. You are proving you can survive anything, and come through stronger than ever.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

Tarot cards for Taurus for October: King of Coins, Knight of Coins, King of Wands

Meaning: Taking a risk.

The King and Knight of Coins combine to put you in a very materialistic and practical mood this month- you want to get your home, money, work, and health affairs shipshape and working well. You want order, processes, routines, results and rewards. You’re all business!

However, the Knight of Wands enters the scene and also asks you to shake things up a bit, take a chance, play a bold hand, make a leap. Good things come when we leave our comfort zone. Play safe, but don’t be too rigid. Spot, and take, a golden chance!

On a side note, look out for Earth and Fire signs this month (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius)- they are well starred for you.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Tarot cards for Gemini for October: Knight of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Strength

Meaning: Challenging growth.

Two powerful major arcana cards this month, Gem, with Strength and The Wheel of Fortune. Testing changes lie ahead, ones partially of your own design, and the good news is that going through this process will make you feel stronger, wiser, more in control and powerful than ever. Everything will be different come November!

Challenges are good. They stretch us, strengthen us, empower us, liberate us from self-limiting old beliefs. You are going to test yourself this October and you will come through with flying colours. You start this off, and then life picks it up and runs with it.

The Knight of Cups is a big reassurance, too, that this will all actually be a lot of fun and, if it isn’t, you have full permission to reward yourself with fun! You can enjoy challenges too.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

Tarot cards for Cancer for October: The Fool, The Sun, Queen of Coins

Meaning: A blissful month.

Ooo, beautiful cards, Cancer! October looks blissful! The Sun is the tarot’s most positive vibe and sprinkles your life with magic. The key to joy, love, success, inspiration and power is CONFIDENCE. So, push yourself this October. Stand up, lean in, apply, ask, demand and do.

The Fool and the Queen of Coins show that you will make new beginnings in your work, home and health arenas. Turning over a new leaf, making a fresh start, activating a new role, seeking a different way of doing things. Be confident and bold. Do the things you’ve long yearned to, even if others disapprove. This is YOUR life.

Truly, Cancer, you can achieve whatever you set your heart on this month ahead.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Tarot cards for Leo for October: Nine of Wands, Nine of Swords, Ace of Swords

Meaning: Liberating home truths.

The Ace of Swords shows you’re itching to get something off your chest. It has been brewing and building, like a volcano inside. You know it will lead to some tough dialogue and maybe even a row… but the tension and stress of suppressing your true opinion is getting unbearable.

Prepare to have a heart to heart. The Nine of Wands shows this won’t be HALF as dire as you fear if you prepare properly. Write down your key points. Consider the reactions, good and bad, and make sure you give yourself time to absorb them and go away and think before responding. No knee-jerk stuff.

The Nine of Swords shows what a powerful release of pent-up stress and anxiety this will be. You don’t realise how heavy this has weighed on you. Time for release.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

Tarot cards for Virgo for October: Two of Wands, The Chariot, The Magician

Meaning: A new purpose.

You’ve been inspired recently, as shown by the creative Magician, and you’re ready to make something new using a skill or talent of your own. Who knows where this could lead… The Magician is the patron saint of entrepreneurs, solo operators, freelancers and the self starters!

The Two of Wands reveals you’ve been pondering this course of action for a while, but have procrastinated, talked yourself in and out of it (you’re ruled by Mercury so talking, vs action, is a trait of yours…). It’s time, Virgo, to get serious about this and do it.

The Chariot brings you a dose of purpose and intent. Set a near-scale goal that you can reach within the next month. Plan your actions to achieve it and schedule them into your coming weeks’ to-do lists. Make this tangible, realistic, pragmatic and doable. You are setting off on a new journey, a mission, a quest. It is going to feel empowering and inspiring. You are doing this just for you!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

Tarot cards for Libra for October: The Tower, Five of Wands, Eight of Swords

Meaning: Escape a toxic situation.

Something which you’ve long wondered about is going to reveal its true colours this October, and they might not be pretty (which is what you suspected) and this will release you from having to pretend everything is A-OK any longer (a relief). The Tower is a collapsing, dramatic revelation or event which triggers the scales falling from your eyes.

The Five of Wands shows there has been conflict in this area for a while. The Eight of Swords shows you’ve remained in it out of habit, self-limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, despite wishing, deep down, you could escape. Well, that exit door is going to open so you’d better get ready to run towards it. Most endings are a bit unpleasant, that’s life. But that pain is momentary, and then we are free to move on and do something else. Take this whole episode as a release. Better times lie ahead.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

Tarot cards for Scorpio for October: Ace of Wands, Two of Cups, Seven of Swords

Meaning: Envious eyes.

Jealousy is a funny old thing. We all experience it and we all are subject to it, but we usually never ever admit to it. Envy is something shameful somehow. Well, it’s a theme in your life this month so ponder your own flaws here before judging others too harshly.

The Seven of Swords is that green-eyed monster card. Someone covets what you have. And, to cut to the chase, the best response here is to limit your exposure or contact with them. Withdraw. Keep your light shaded from them.

The Two of Cups and Ace of Wands reveal this is likely all over a new relationship (love or friendship or partnership) Relationships are the main driver of jealousy, for sure, and someone wants what you are igniting with another. Recognise it, forgive it, and limits its impact on you both.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for October: Nine of Coins, King of Swords, The Lovers

Meaning: Temptation beckons…

Okay, you’re in a pickle. A love triangle, or temptation scenario, or path of least resistance (which you know leads to trouble). The Lovers shows you being enticed off the straight and narrow and into exciting, but dodgy, territory. You find it hard to stop yourself…

The way through this is to think in decades vs the present moment. Think about what matters long term, who is vital in your world for the future, what values you hold dear.

The King of Swords brings the urge to look at this rationally, with logic and calculating objectivity. The Nine of Coins asks you to protect and nurture the people or things which are good for you long term. Don’t let this flash in the pan derail you. Stick to what’s right, you will be glad you did.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

Tarot cards for Capricorn for October: The Emperor, Seven of Wands, Four of Wands

Meaning: Fighting back.

Fight your corner, Cap, because the opposition or rivalry you encounter this October will bring out the absolute best of you. Sometimes we need a rival or foe to enhance and amplify our output or performance. Use this as fuel.

The Seven and Four of Wands show that you have a competitor, probably in the workplace. They covet your spot. They test you. It’s okay because you have got what it takes.

The Emperor reveals your victory here, and also that it will make you feel powerful and strong. Having to push back against someone clarifies how much you actually WANT your position and spot. Prove it to everyone. Show what you got.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

Tarot cards for Aquarius for October: Death, Eight of Cups, The World

Meaning: Endings.

Three cards all about endings. Something has run its course, reached a conclusion, come to a natural and inevitable end. Don’t be disappointed or sad. It was good while it lasted. It’s time to let it go and let something else take its place.

Death and The World are both powerful totems of endings. But also of new beginnings, which every end is the embryo of. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing is here to stay. Ebb and flow, rise and fall. We use what we have, reach a pinnacle, then release. Autumn is a great natural reminder of that truth.

The Eight of Cups urges you NOT to cling to this. Release it. See the positives of letting it go. So much more is yet to come. The best is still ahead of you. As soon as you release, you are open to new energy and opportunity, which is ALL coming your way!

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

Tarot cards for Pisces for October: Three of Coins, Four of Swords, Eight of Coins

Meaning: Lots going on.

A real mixed bag ahead, you need to flexible and adaptable to recognize what YOU need in the moment and then go on to deliver it. Firstly, you need to be open to praise and recognition because the Three of Coins shows you being admired and that someone is ready to propose something to you… say yes!

Secondly, the Four of Swords shows you will feel fatigue and weariness along the way and, when you do, please rest and relax. Strip back the commitments, trim the schedule, and take a time out.

But at the same time, the Eight of Coins presses you to keep going and not give up on something you’re sick to death of. The end is in sight, a breakthrough is close, and the rewards are worth it. Make space to ensure you can still finish this big rock.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

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