Coronation Street spoilers: Teen pregnant, killer returns and murder twist

It’s a case of hatch and dispatch in Coronation Street next week – as Summer Spellman (Harriet Bibby) discovers she is pregnant, deadly events are unfolding elsewhere as Stu Carpenter (Bill Fellows) deals with the aftermath of Bridget and Lucy pleading guilty, while Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) comes face to face with murderer Harvey Gaskell (Will Mellor)

A pregnancy test causes confusion as Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) initially suspects it belongs to Gemma Winter (Dolly Rose Campbell) – but actually, it’s Summer who has made the life changing discovery.

And in prison, Harvey is as unrepentant as ever when Leanne confronts him – but Sam Blakeman (Jude Riordan) is not giving up on making contact with his mum’s killer.

Your full episode guide for next week is ahead:

Monday October 17

While Nick and Sam prepare to mark the anniversary of Natasha’s death Leanne says she is going to the cash and carry whilst secretly heading off to visit Harvey in prison. Leanne is shocked when Harvey tells her that Sam has been writing to him and he wants Leanne and Nick to stop him.

Leanne tells Nick what she has discovered and the pair confront Sam who gets upset and says he just wants to know why Harvey killed Natasha. When Sam suggests that he’ll stop writing to Harvey if he can visit him instead, Nick and Leanne are horrified. But Sam’s adamant that it’s not their decision and he’ll find a way.

Having found out that Lucy and Bridget have both been charged, Stu masks his anxiety for Eliza’s sake. Alya’s awash with guilt but Dee-Dee assures Alya that she did the right thing.

Bridget calls Stu from prison and tells him that she and Lucy have pleaded guilty to murder and she’d like him to take care of Eliza for her. Stu and Yasmeen reel in shock.

Ryan rifles through Bernie’s record collection. He’s excited to find a white label promo disc and tells Bernie it could be quite valuable. Masquerading as Bernie, Fern attends an interview with the high-end cleaning agency.

They offer her a job there and then. Fern arrives for her cleaning job at the jewellery shop. Assuming her to be Bernie, the owner leaves her to lock up when she’s finished.

In the corner shop flat, a pensive Daniel tells Daisy that it’s time to clear out Sinead’s clothes for the charity clothes swap as she approved of recycling. Daniel hands over a bin bag full of Sinead’s clothes to Summer.

Esther thanks Summer for all her help with the charity clothes swap. Summer admits that she was recently dumped and it’s been good to focus on something positive

Sally is shocked to discover that Tim bought Aggie a necklace admits to Aggie how hurt she is to think that Tim prefers her company and suggests that in future she should focus on Ed and leave Tim alone.

Aggie calls at the builder’s yard and apologises to Ed for keeping her friendship with Tim a secret.  

Wednesday October 19

Summer, Asha and Nina help with the clothes stall but Summer is quiet as she stares down the street as Aaron walks past. Aaron tells Asha he cares about Summer but needs to focus on his dad. In the cafe Gemma shows Chesney a denim jacket she bought from the clothes swap.

But when she heads off to the loo her phone rings and as Chesney goes to get it out of the jacket pocket a positive pregnancy test falls out. He is relieved when she tells him it is not hers but she is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

First Daisy then Carla come under scrutiny but it isn’t until Paul recognises the jacket as Summer’s and covers his shock. Seeking out Summer he asks her about the test. 

Walter heads out for lunch, leaving Fern alone in the jewellers. Dressed top to toe in Bernie’s clothes, Fern robs the shop blind. Fern exits the back of the shop and after stripping off her Bernie outfit, surveys her ill gotten gains with glee.

As Dev and Bernie head back to No.5, a police officer approaches and tells Bernie that she’s arresting her on suspicion of theft. Bernie’s stunned.

At the police station, the officer shows Bernie the CCTV footage of her robbing the jewellers. The penny drops and Bernie realises with horror that she’s been framed by Fern.

Audrey, Gail, Nick, David, Sarah, Leanne and Sam gather in the bistro for Natasha’s memorial lunch. Nick makes a speech, but Sam takes offence and explains to the family how he wants to meet Harvey to find out why he acted the way he did. Audrey gives Sam a pep talk and believes she has got through to him much to Nick’s relief. 

Felicity, the social worker, calls at No.6 and explains to Stu and Yasmeen that until his conviction has been officially quashed, Eliza must be taken into care. Stu reels in shock.

Friday October 21

Summer confides in Paul that she and Aaron are back together and will make any decision about the baby together. Esther invites Summer for lunch at the Rovers to thank her for the work on the stall, as she and Aaron arrive she realises Billy has also been invited.

When Paul arrives and makes a comment about her condition Billy realises she is pregnant, Summer runs out of the pub followed by Esther. Esther catches up with Summer in Victoria Garden and after explaining how she and Mike can’t have kids, suggests she’d be willing to adopt her baby.

Summer’s dumbfounded. When Summer tells Aaron he is shocked. As she voices her concerns about pregnancy and diabetes and the problems she would face, Aaron realises the enormity of the situation. Summer returns home to find Billy, Todd and Paul discussing her pregnancy and body image issues. 

In the Rovers, a despondent Jenny confides in Stephen that she’s not heard a thing from Leo and suspects he’s met someone else in Canada.  Stephen feigns sympathy.

Leo’s Dad, Teddy, calls at the Rovers and tells Jenny and Stephen that there’s no trace of Leo and it’s time to alert the police. Stephen masks his anxiety. 

Bernie sticks to her story and explains to the officer how Fern took a cleaning job in her name, stole her clothes and then robbed the jewellers. Can she convince the police, Dev and her family that she is telling the truth.

The officer tells Bernie that the number she gave them for Fern is out of service and they’re releasing her pending further inquiries. 

Daniel suggests to Daisy she should move in with him properly. Daisy confides in Jenny how Daniel’s asked her to move in but she’d rather they found their own place as she doesn’t feel comfortable knowing the flat holds memories of Sinead. 

In the back yard of No.9, Sam admits to Hope that he’s sent another letter to Harvey and his Dad would kill him if he knew. Hope’s impressed. In his prison cell, Harvey opens Sam’s letter and is amused to see that he’s sent him a questionnaire to fill in about his violent past.

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