Dev's drastic action against Aadi in Coronation Street may destroy them forever

Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin) was horrified to learn that son Aadi (Adam Hussain) had been having an affair with Courtney Vance (Stephanie Davis) in Coronation Street, and he will soon take drastic action to try and put a stop to their relationship.

With Courtney having moved in with the Alahan’s, things have become difficult, with the family not exactly getting on very well thanks to Courtney’s behaviour.

‘For Courtney she’s completely made herself at home straight away in true Courtney style – feet up on the couch, taking forever in the shower,’ actress Stephanie Davis revealed. ‘Asha and everyone’s getting a bit irritated with her but Courtney’s oblivious to what she’s doing.’

Because of this, Courtney begins to put pressure on Aadi to find them a place of their own, despite the fact that they’re still very limited on funds.

‘She’s totally in denial. She’s looking at these big posh flats in really beautiful areas,’ Stephanie explained. ‘He’s trying to really politely, God help him, say “We can’t really get that.” She’s just like “But this has got a feature wall!” She’s just oblivious to it because she’s just been so used to living that lifestyle.’

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Eager to get things back to the way they were, Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove) announces that Shelly’s flat is available to rent, and Courtney and Aadi jump at the chance.

‘When she sees the flat I think that is a big reality check for her, definitely. It’s a bit of a shock to her system. But she’s gone through with it now, she doesn’t want to lose face to Darren.’

Courtney is determined to make things work, and offers to self her rings in order to contribute to the deposit, and they agree to use the rest of the money to go out and celebrate.

It just so happens that Courtney’s ex-husband Darren (Ryan Early) is attending the golf club bash in the Bistro, and Courtney takes every opportunity to rub her new life in his face.

‘She does turn up there on purpose because she knows Darren’s there. It’s to be like “Look at us, we’re fine.” She’s snogging the face off him as usual, but right in front of him to get a reaction out of him. It’s all bravado. It’s all like “Look at me, I’m doing great.” And I think that’s what she’s done her whole life with everything. But obviously it’s not.’

Her constant snogging with Aadi and loud discussions of their new flat wind Darren up the wrong way, and soon Dev is cringing as Aadi and Darren square up.

As the dust settles, Darren pulls Dev aside and, overcome with jealousy, offers Dev £5k to split up Courtney and Aadi.

Dev takes the money, and soon he is handing it over to Courtney, insisting it’s hers if she dumps Aadi.

‘I can’t give too much away on this bit, but she has a feeling that it’s Darren’s money. I think she knows Dev isn’t quite up to that, he’s a big softie really. And that’s when Courtney and Dev’s game of cat and mouse begins.

‘She’s winding Devvy up and they have a bit of a cat and mouse game and it’s like what’s she going to do with the money? Will she reveal it to Aadi and be like “This is what your dad’s done”? Or will she twist it and use it against them?

‘Although Courtney might play dumb she’s very, very intelligent and clever and she’s always one step ahead.’

Will she take the bait, or are her feelings for Aadi more important than his wallet? And how would Aadi react if he found out about Dev’s betrayal? Could this destroy their relationship for good?

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