Love Island’s Molly Marsh on fame: ‘I want to find love… and money’

Love Islanders know they’ll be spending their summer drinking fizz and dancing around the firepit, before cashing in on meet-and-greets in nightclubs when filming has ended. You rarely get many contestants who aren’t up for a party.

However, Molly Marsh isn’t letting her sobriety stop her from taking on the ITV2 show. In fact, she thinks it’s her aversion to partying hard that is stopping her from finding love in the real world.

“I’m a girl that doesn’t use dating apps, I don’t party, and I don’t drink, so the normal places that you would go and meet people
and find the love of your life, I don’t do those things. So I just think, why not [do Love Island ]?” she says.

Inside Love Island star Molly Marsh's relationship with her Coronation Street actress mum

The influencer made her Love Island debut earlier this month and has since become a creator of romantic chaos, quickly landing
in a love triangle between gas engineer Mitchel Taylor and bombshell Zachariah Noble. While the Doncaster-based singleton isn’t the first (or the most famous) Molly to enter the show, she may be the first one who shuns the typical Love Island lifestyle.

“I don’t like the clubbing scene and because I don’t drink, it’s not [fun] being the sober one when people are having a great night, is it? So yeah, I’ve been accused of being boring, a party pooper, I’ve had that a few times. I’ll take that,” she adds. “I feel like some people need a good drink to maybe get a bit of confidence out there and get on the dance floor. But I’m someone who is very confident, I can have a good night without a drink.”

Molly doesn’t mind partners drinking but she won’t be pressured into joining them. “I have had partners in the past who have been big drinkers,” she says. “That’s fine! But I won’t be participating.”

However for Molly, it’s about being a role model for her fanbase, which was already 30,000 users strong on Instagram before entering the show. Unsurprisingly, that’s since shot up to over 100,000. She says, “I want my followers, that I’ve built already and who are quite young, to look up to someone who says they don’t need to drink and they don’t have to party to have a good time and meet somebody. I’m very open about that and quite proud of it.”

Molly has followed in the footsteps of her mum, Coronation Street and Open All Hours actor Janet Marsh, when it came to ditching the drink, as “she’s always had a good time” sober. “Mum might have a Coke and Malibu at Christmas, which is a bit like me, if there’s a really big occasion like Christmas Day then maybe [I’ll have] a Malibu and Coke. But that’s as far as it goes.”

The 24-year-old has also taken after her mother in the career department, deciding to become a theatre performer. “My mum went to drama school which is why I did too. She’s always been that extravagant type of person. I was like, ‘I want to go to drama school and do the things you’re doing.’ She’s definitely been an inspiration.”

It’s Molly’s stage skills that she’s relying on in the Love Island villa – as well as those she’s picked up filming her YouTube vlogs, which she started in 2021. “I think the confidence of being in front of the camera, it just comes from talking to people. I’m confident within myself, that’s a massive part of it as well.

“I’ve never had any worries and I haven’t actually dated around. The only dates I’ve been on have been with my partners, so I’ve never actually been on a date where I’m getting to know somebody. I think that’s going to be interesting, either I freeze and I don’t know what to say or it will be quite fun and I like it too much.”

While the influencer is looking for love, she’s not afraid to admit that she’d like the show to boost her career and plans on enjoying “the fame side of things”. “Who wouldn’t want to find someone and find love? The same with money,” she says.

“Who wouldn’t want to go on a show and win some money? And with the fame side of things, because I’m in the social media industry, I do have a sprinkle of that fame and being noticed when I go out.”

With that in mind, going without social media in the villa is bound to be a struggle considering Molly has posted on her accounts every day for the past few years. “It is really strange,” she says. “But do you know what? Being without my phone is like a break
from work, it’s lovely. I haven’t done that in so long because your phone is your work. It’s everything.”

Giving up her phone does mean she can’t check her DMs for any celebs sliding in, with former Casa Amor bombshell Jack Keating having liked her posts. “I’ve seen him like quite a few, that’s one I‘ve noticed,” she says.

Although as famous crushes go, Joe Swash is the man for her. “I really like a cheeky guy, cheeky personality. So a bit of a Joe Swash, Jack-the-lad, cheeky chap is definitely my type.”

While Molly will “absolutely not” be having sex in the villa – she says, “Even a kiss I wouldn’t want [my family] to see!” – she’s hoping to find someone who likes her for being “true to herself” and plans on showing off her many bikinis in the process. She adds, “I’ve got one for every day and I intend to get them all out there because I’ll be there until the end. I’m in it to win it!”

Read more:

  • Love Island viewers call for Jess Harding to be kicked out as they report show to Ofcom
  • Love Island's Molly Marsh's transformation from brown hair to pre-villa cosmetic procedure

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