Neighbours Joe Mangel actor Mark Little is unrecognisable 18 years after leaving soap

Neighbours star Mark Little was best known for playing Joe Mangel on the Australian soap – but is now living his best life in the Welsh countryside.

Mark, now 63, played the beloved Aussie Joe on the soap, joining the series in 1988 and departing in 1991. He later made a comeback in 2005 and was part of the much-anticipated reunion of the soap last year.

After leaving the show, Mark went on to take over from Chris Evans to co-present The Big Breakfast with Zoe Ball, as well as starring in various films and plays, such as one man show Defending the Caveman, which won him a Laurence Olivier Award in 2000.

During his time on the soap, Mark had short, dark brown hair and was clean shaven. However, now he looks very different to the character fans will remember with his long grey locks and a silver beard.

As well as his new look, Mark has moved away from mainstream acting roles and into a new lifestyle.

Mark has been an increasingly vocal political activist and anti-fascism campaigner in recent years, reports Wales Online, living in a farmhouse in the Welsh countryside.

In a recent tweet, he said: “"I have been way out of the loop. And what a loopy loop it is.

"We have moved HQ and have been finessing a magic acre in the wilderness. I have been as busy as a farmer.”

When asked by one Twitter follower why he had picked that particular spot to settle down, he replied: "It chose us”.

"We bought before the pandemic and spent six months of lockdown selling up and moving out.

"It has been torrid avoiding Covid and fascism…but we survive…a beautiful spot just south of lake Vyrnwy.

Mark added: "(The house) was in a state but we are making it pretty…lovely part of the world…far from the madding crowd…nice neighbours…real."

He hasn't completely left the world of acting though as Mark, who took part in Dancing on Ice in 2019 with Brianne Delcourt, appeared in a surprise cameo on Neighbours last year.

Unable to go to Australia to film an on-set cameo, the actor joined Harold Bishop, played by Ian Smith, for a video call scene, prior to the announcement that the soap would come to a close after 17 years.

Since Fremantle Media announced Australia's longest running drama series would cease production, Amazon Prime Video has rebooted the show.

A year after Neighbours was axed, the soap’s stars reunited in April as filming commenced on the brand-new series.

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