Paul pleads guilty and faces jail in his final months in Corrie

Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) was recently given the news he was dreading on Coronation Street – that the symptoms he’s been experiencing recently are caused by motor neurone disease (MND) and the outlook is not good.

So far the only person he’s confided in about this has been Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown), who came to the police station to represent him after he was pulled over by the police.

He had driving the car he stole from Rufus (Steven Meo) – who was later found dead in his swimming pool after being killed by Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce).

Dee-Dee urged Paul to tell the police about his MND diagnosis as it might go in his favour, but Paul refused.

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He thought that if the case went to court he didn’t want Billy (Daniel Brocklebank) and Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) finding out about his illness in such a way and he wanted to keep a lid on things until he at least got a firm diagnosis.

‘He confides in Dee Dee but keeps it from everyone else,’ Peter Ash told us.

‘He doesn’t want to tell people because, as he says to Dee Dee, he thinks people will treat him differently after that point, that he’ll be pitied and that he doesn’t want that, which is obviously understandable. He doesn’t want to worry people as well.’

After the specialist confirmed that the symptoms were due to MND, Paul told Dee-Dee he wanted to tell his family himself.

However, when he got home he found Billy and Summer (Harriet Bibby) talking about Amy’s rape and how she was struggling in the aftermath of what happened, and he couldn’t bring himself to tell them his news.

He begged Dee-Dee to keep his illness to herself and said he didn’t want Billy finding out about the upcoming court case.

In upcoming episodes, Paul faces his day in court. He has already admitted to the police that he stole Rufus’s car so his only option is to plead guilty.

For Paul the worst aspect of the day is when the judge tells him to return for sentencing.

It’s the day before Gemma’s wedding to Chesney (Sam Aston), and Paul realises that he might miss his beloved sister’s big occasion as he could well be in prison by then.

And, still refusing to allow Dee-Dee to use his MND as mitigation and knowing that the illness might mean he doesn’t have much time left, he also faces the prospect of spending what’s left of the rest of his life behind bars.

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