Sean walks in as killer Stephen spikes Carla with LSD in Corrie spoiler video

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Killer Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) has come up with a sinister plan to knock Carla Barlow (Alison King) from her Underworld throne in Coronation Street.

A new spoiler video shows him putting his plan into motion, as he laces her tea with LSD.

Stephen’s aim is seemingly to convince people that Carla’s psychosis has returned, leaving him the space to swoop in and take over the factory.

Carla developed psychosis after the factory roof collapsed in 2019, killing Rana Habeeb (Bhavna Limbacchia) and injuring Sally Metcalfe (Sally Dynevor).

Stephen takes action this Wednesday (February 15), but it seems like he may have hit a bump in the road already, as Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) catches him in the act.

Sean is absolutely bewildered to see an ‘up himself’ Stephen making everyone a brew. Little does he know the sinister reason behind his generosity.

As Sean mocks him for being demoted to office manager, Stephen offers a chilling warning to stay on his good side.

Will Sean be Stephen’s next target?

With Sean out of the way, Stephen takes his opportunity to drop the drugs into Carla’s drink, before calling her over and watching her take a sip.

It’s just a matter of time before the drugs kick in and Stephen’s evil plan really starts to get underway…

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Wednesday February 15 at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX.

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