Spoilers: Kim and Dawn go to war in major Home Farm showdown in Emmerdale

Home Farm is rapidly filling up with children in Emmerdale. As well as baby Thomas, Dawn (Olivia Bromley) and Billy (Jay Kontzle) have brought Lucas (Noah Ryan Aspinall) to live there after falling out with Harriet (Katherine Dow Blyton).

The reason for the falling out, Clemmie (Mabel Addison), has also joined the family as Billy and Dawn have been allowed to foster her.

Added to this list, Kim (Claire King) has recently brought her granddaughter Millie (Willow Bell) to stay at Home Farm after discovering that Millie’s father Jamie Tate is still alive and on the run after injuring Millie’s other grandmother Hazel (Kate Anthony).

Both Clemmie and Millie have had difficult and upsetting lives recently – Millie due to her dad’s actions and Clemmie after her mother died of an accidental overdose.

So it’s not surprising that the two girls find it difficult to settle into family life in the Tate/Taylor/Fletcher household. And it’s equally unsurprising that Dawn and Kim clash over the situation.

Kim decides that Clemmie should swap bedrooms so Millie can have the one she used on previous visits to the house.

Dawn isn’t happy about this, feeling that Clemmie has had enough disruption in her life already, but Kim stuns her when she suggests that Clemmie mightn’t be staying long anyway.

Dawn is shocked at Kim’s heartless attitude, but she worries that she may be right, as social services are due to visit to check on Clemmie’s progress. How will they view a household in turmoil?

Are Clemmie’s days at Home Farm numbered?

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