Stephen's murder terror, Gemma's big risk and the Rovers in crisis in Corrie

It’s fair to say that many Coronation Street residents are on edge in next week’s episodes, with a killer facing exposure, a business on the brink and trouble from an ex.

Viewers are patiently (well, some not so) waiting for Stephen Reid’s (Todd Boyce) crimes to be unveiled, and that moment could come in the form of some murder evidence that resurfaces.

The widow of late businessman Rufus reckons that there is some foul play in his demise, and she soon has her hands on a tie clip left at the scene.

Rookie error, Stephen!

Of course, the audacious serial slaughterer rocks up at the memorial of his dispatched former associate, but when he realises that the police may soon be involved with this clue, he rightly panics.

Also in a panic is Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) as the future of the Rovers hangs in the balance.

It rests on the investments of the Newtons, with Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) doing her utmost to swing the decision in their favour.

It’s an approach that doesn’t go down well with Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) and he soon rages into the situation.

But what will the outcome be?

Elsewhere, Stu Carpenter (Bill Fellows) discovers a lie, while Hope Stape (Isabella Flanagan) is left seething.

Which is never a good thing…

Monday August 7

Jenny and Daisy are gutted when a croaky Glenda reveals she has lost her voice and can’t perform at the event they are throwing to impress the Newtons.

Philip Newton is impressed however when he finds out Glenda had booked singer Glyn Young. When an elderly old man with a hearing aid arrives Jenny, Glenda and Daisy are thrown into panic.

Henry gently breaks the news to Jenny that having looked at the accounts, the brewery isn’t prepared to buy the Rovers and hands her the contact details of a developer.

Eliza lies to Yasmeen and Stu that she is going to holiday club. When Stu finds out there is no holiday club and he can’t find her anywhere he is shocked to find her with a strange man at the precinct. 

Rufus’ wife Lou calls at the factory and tells Stephen and Michael she’s cancelled the meeting as the inquest report into Rufus’s death is due out tomorrow, she suspects foul play and she’s contacted the Gazette.

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Stephen masks his panic. Alone in the factory office, Stephen scours the press for reports about Rufus’s death.

Dev returns home to find Bernie setting up a massage table. Bernie reveals that she found it in a skip and plans to use it to earn a bit of cash.

In the Rovers backyard, an already tipsy Adam tells Dee-Dee he’s heading into town to get drunk and forget about the last few weeks.

Wednesday August 9

A despondent Jenny tells Daisy that a property developer is coming to value the pub meanwhile in the Kabin, Steve and George reveal that they’ve set up a crowdfunding page in the hope they can save the Rovers.

George suggests to Gemma that given her history with Henry she could use her womanly wiles to change his mind about buying the place. Will it work? Gemma arrives at a hotel expecting to work on a cider promotion.

Henry explains that there is no promotion and he just wanted some time alone with her. When George lets slip that Gemma is meeting Henry and going to try and work her magic on him, Chesney’s angry to realise she lied to him and heads over to the hotel.

Richard, a property developer, calls at the Rovers.  When Daisy explains that Jenny has no option but to sell up, Steve and George are gutted.

Back at home Gemma explains she was only trying to save the Rovers and is not interested in Henry. 

As Carla and Stephen see a client out of the factory, Lou approaches and Stephen’s heart sinks. Lou confides in Stephen and Carla that the Coroner found that Rufus died by misadventure.

Lou tells Stephen that as far as she’s concerned, Rufus’s drug fuelled death still doesn’t stack up.  Stephen assures her it was obviously a tragic accident.

Eliza confides in Sam that she’s worried her dum might try and stop her from seeing her dad. Stu calls Bridget and informs her that Eliza has been in contact with her dad. 

At No.8, Lauren rejects a call from her dad but admits to Max that she still misses him.

Shona tells Lauren that she’s got her a job at the café.  Lauren’s grateful, but nervous.

A dishevelled Adam returns from his night out and in a bid to make Sarah jealous, tells Daniel he had a great night and didn’t get much sleep.

Friday August 11

A guilty Stephen struggles at Rufus’ memorial, after being asked by Rufus’ son Jools how he knew his dad he hurries out. Returning with the staff from the factory in tow he explains to Carla that he thought it would make Rufus look more popular.

When Jools makes an emotional speech about his dad, Stephen hurries off to the gents, watched by Carla and Lou. He returns and is horrified when he sees his tie pin in a bag that Lou shows him containing Rufus’ things that were found by the side of the pool.

When Lou mentions Rufus’ missing watch Peter is forced to confess to Carla that he found it in the back of his cab and pawned it for her rehab.

Stephen is shocked when Lou reveals she is going to show the tie pin to the police as it didn’t belong to Rufus.

Gemma feels bad about the pub going up for sale when she feels she could put a stop to it all if Chesney would let her work with Henry. Bernie calls at the kebab shop and tells Chesney that he needs to get over his dislike of Henry and prove to Gemma that he trusts her to work with Henry.

Gemma meets up with Henry in the precinct and tells him that if he promises to save the pub, she’ll accept his job offer.  Henry’s delighted. 

At No.5, Gemma breaks the news to Chesney that Henry has agreed to buy the Rovers but on condition she takes the job as his PA.  Burying his anxiety, Chesney hugs her.

Max wishes Lauren good luck and says he will pop into the cafe to give her moral support. Lauren gets off to a rocky start in the café but Shona assures Roy she’ll get the hang of it.

When Sabrina approaches Max and suggests they hang out at No.8, Max sends Lauren a text telling her he won’t have time to drop by the café.  Unbeknown to him, a downcast Lauren watches him from across the street as he heads home with Sabrina.

Sabrina admits to Max that she really likes him but as long as Lauren remains in his life, a relationship is out of the question. Lauren returns home and tells Max and Shona that Roy’s given her the job on a permanent basis. 

Stu apologises to Eliza for the way he treated her Dad.  Eliza’s unforgiving. Yasmeen and Stu return home to find Eliza facetiming her Dad.  Stu loses his temper and a row ensues

Hope practises her solo in front of Ruby, fully expecting to land the lead role in the Little Big Shotz summer spectacular.

At the community centre, Glenda announces that Ruby has landed the lead role and Eliza, Ciara and Hope will be her backing singers.  Ruby’s thrilled whilst Hope smarts.

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