The Chase fans all have the same complaint over contestant’s ‘annoying’ habit

The Chase viewers all had the same complaint about one contestant's 'annoying habit'.

Four new hopefuls were introduced to viewers during Tuesday instalment of the ITV quiz show as they battled it out to win a huge cash prize.

As player Keith, a timber salesman from Surrey, landed £5k in his head-to-head with Bradley, he went on the face Jenny The Vixen Ryan and take his well-earned prize back to his team.

After the questions were asked, players are given an allotted time to answer their question, or they will be given a wrong answer.

While viewers had high hopes for Keith, they were soon distracted by his annoying habit, as he waited till the last possible second before answering, even causing host Bradley Walsh to interfere.

“I need an answer,” Bradley was heard warning Keith at least three times.

“This bloke waiting until the last second on #TheChase is bad for my nerves,” said one player.

“Brad needs an answer Klaxon. Keith doesn’t get the hint does he?”

“Keith giving me heart attack omg why does he take so long to answer” #TheChase

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