Tragedy for Sarah as she loses her baby in Corrie – and is then dumped by Adam

Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) has been given the devastating news that she’s lost her baby in Coronation Street.

At the start of the week, Sarah was taken to the Bistro by Adam (Sam Robertson) ahead of a surprise baby shower.

Things quickly descended into chaos when Sarah opened the box and a balloon popped out that said ‘It’s Damon’s’, allowing her to realise that Adam knew all about her lies and Damon (Ciaran Griffiths) actually being the baby’s father.

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Adam spent the night at Peter’s (Chris Gascoyne) and in Wednesday’s (August 2) episode, it was clear he didn’t have any plans to make amends with Sarah as he said that he’d find somewhere else to live by the end of the day.

In his office, after Adam accepted Dee-Dee’s (Channique Sterling-Brown) offer of taking the spare room at her flat, Sarah arrived wanting to talk.

Sarah tried her best to get through to Adam, but she was continuously experiencing stomach cramps – and Adam thought she was making it up.

As she headed to hospital alone, a scan confirmed that Sarah had lost her baby and would need an operation on local anaesthetic to assist with the physical impact on her body.

Adam eventually arrived and supported Sarah but back at home, he realised that because of Sarah’s past actions, the way he feels isn’t ever going to change.

Adam arrived at the flat and told Sarah that their marriage ended the minute she slept with Damon and for his own self respect, he wants a divorce.

‘Obviously, it’s never up to me, it’s all down to the writers’, Tina O’Brien said, pondering over whether Adam and Sarah will ever get back together.

‘They probably still love each other and I do believe that. There’s a really nice scene where Adam’s with his granddad and his granddad was trying to sort of explain his time with Deirdre and there was a lot of affairs and lots of ups and downs, but at the end of the day, they were each other’s person.

‘So I’d like to think that Sarah and Adam are each other’s person, but whether or not they can actually be together, I don’t know. Maybe too much has gone on, or maybe they do need to start fresh.’

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