Cops identify nine 'bullies' who left teen victim clinging to life

EXCLUSIVE: Cops seize ELEVEN cellphones and identify nine ‘bullies’ after ‘torture parties’ saw teen covered in glue, vomit and WD-40 and forced to drink near-lethal level of alcohol. Haze victim is sent to top hospital for psychiatric recovery

  • Trent Lehrkamp, 19, of Saint Simons Island, Georgia, is now receiving psychiatric therapy after nearly losing his life to acute alcohol poisoning
  • Controlled substances and 11 cellphones have been seized by cops and the FBI have been called in to help with the investigation, can reveal 
  • No arrests have been made, but his family say, ‘We’re trusting the process’ 

All nine of the teens involved in the Georgia hazing incident that left a 19-year-old boy clinging to life have been identified by authorities, but still no arrests have been made, can reveal. 

Controlled substances and 11 cellphones have been seized by cops and the FBI have been called in to help with the investigation after Trent Lehrkamp was photographed covered in glue, vomit and urine surrounded by his alleged abusers.

After a similar party four days earlier he was smeared with WD-40 and other substances.

Lehrkamp was discharged from the hospital on Saturday and is now receiving psychiatric therapy after nearly losing his life to acute alcohol poisoning, a family member tells 

But after nearly two weeks, no arrests have been made and residents in neighboring towns of Brunswick and Saint Simons Island have questioned whether police are dragging their feet.

Trent Lehrkamp, 19, of Saint Simons Island, Georgia was allegedly tortured and humiliated by same group of teens at least twice before ending up in the ICU last Tuesday

All nine of the teens involved in the Georgia hazing incident have been identified. Snapchat image of Lehrkamp allegedly being victimized by a group of teenage boys in Georgia 

Trent was hooked up to a ventilator in the intensive care unit following his traumatic outing. He was released on Saturday 

The Lehrkamp family say they have faith in the Glynn County Police Department.

‘We’re trusting the process,’ Lehrkamp’s father’s girlfriend Jamie Lee Linna, 41, told in an exclusive interview. 

‘Of course, our main focus is Trent, but we’ve been in communication and we’re cooperating with the investigation.’ 

The first thing that Lehrkamp asked for when he got out of the hospital was to see his dogs, Linna said.

His family spent the day with him Saturday before he was flown to an undisclosed hospital where he can receive ‘whole life and whole body’ treatment for what happened to him.

Exclusive photos shared with show Trent embracing his father, dining out at his favorite Japanese steakhouse and cuddling with his mixed-breed dog Simon. 

‘Trent is moving on to the next steps of care at one of the top facilities in the country,’ Linna said. ‘He’s been medically cleared so this is for us to deal with the psychological part of the trauma.’

She described herself as a mother figure after Lehrkamp’s mother died in 2021. Linna said that the young man had also lost his grandmother and grandfather in quick succession.

‘Obviously, the trauma that he’s endured is enormous, losing a mom and then he lost his grandmother and then he lost his grandfather all within a short time,’ she said.

‘I’m alive and doing well and I’m recovering,’ Lehrkamp told WSAV. ‘Just know, it’s going to be a long time for me to get over this – through the trauma. But one day, hopefully within the next few months or so, I might be back. But justice will be served.’ 

The young man had been treated at Southeast Georgia Health Center since March 21, sometimes breathing through a tube, after three high school teenagers dropped him off at the emergency room after a night of partying and then left without checking his condition, according to police.

Lehrkamp’s clothes were soaked with urine and his blood-alcohol level was .464, nearly six times the Georgia legal limit. Doctors intubated the young man because he was only breathing six times per minute, according to the police report.

Videos of the evening that emerged on social media show Lehrkamp apparently unconscious, slumped in a chair, his clothes stained as four teens pose in the background. 

It was the second time he had needed medical treatment in as many weeks after hanging out with the same group of teens. 

Lehrkamp broke his silence weeks after the attack that left him soaked in urine and on a ventilator after his breathing dropped to a rate of just six breaths a minute from ‘drinking vodka and antidepressants.’ Pictured: Lehrkamp hugging his dad, Mark, 44

The teen lost his mother (left) in 2021, and around the same time two of his grandparents died

Residents are outraged that no one in the wealthy town of Saint Simons Island has been arrested for the crime

After nearly two weeks, no arrests have been made and residents in neighboring towns of Brunswick and Saint Simons Island have questioned whether police are dragging their feet

On TikTok, Facebook and Instagram, social media users have raised questions about the young man’s intellect and why he returned to hang with the teens, but Linna brushed it off as small-town gossip.

‘I’m not participating or partaking in all of the social media drama or the drama amongst people attacking the family,’ she said. ‘We’re just trying to protect the family unit and focus on Trent.’

Many reports have misidentified the 19-year-old as having undiagnosed autism, an error that Linna said mortified Lehrkamp.

‘He’s not autistic,’ Linna said. ‘Oh my God. He’s not autistic.’

‘He’s a very trusting, kind, caring, soft-spoken young man,’ she said. ‘Trent being the kid that he is – just so kind and caring. He got a Domino’s card from his grandma and he ordered pizza for everybody.’

She said that he had been bullied for many years and a neighbor said that Lehrkamp was a ‘perfect target.’

‘I’ve seen him be bullied on the street,’ the neighbor, who declined to give her name, said. ‘He would just turn around and go home. He wouldn’t defend himself.’

Linna confirmed that there had been a ‘history of bullying’ for which he had been in counseling.

Lehrkamp graduated from Glynn Academy High School, where he played football. He opted not to go to college and was living alone after his father had moved into Linna’s home nearby.

‘There was a lot of stuff that was dealt with in that last year before he graduated. With the passing of all his family,’ she said.

Far from being neglectful, she said the young man had being given his liberty. He was working and paying his own way while he figured out his future.

‘Obviously he graduated in May of last year. And we’ve had those conversations last year. Hey, if you’re not ready for college, that’s fine. Let’s figure out what you want to do,’ she said. ‘We were coming up with what those next steps look like after high school.’

The first thing that Lehrkamp asked for when he got out of the hospital was to see his dogs

Lehrkamp graduated from Glynn Academy High School, where he played football 

The family continued to have those conversations after he got out of the hospital. His recently deceased grandfather had been a pastor and he expressed interest in following him into that profession, she said.

‘He said maybe a pastor, a marine biologist or a nurse,’ she said.

Linna said that she only met Lehrkamp’s father in 2022 after their young children had a play date together, but since then they had shared holidays and vacations together.

Photos on social media show the 19-year-old opening gifts at Linna’s house on Christmas. The family went on a trip to Michigan together she said.

There was another rumor that he was struggling on his own and another that his father, Mark, 44, had put a lock on the pantry to keep him from eating.

‘They don’t even have a pantry,’ she said. ‘We live in a small community. People gossip.’

His father would check in with him daily to make sure that he was taking out the garbage and performing other household chores that a young man living on his own for the first time may neglect.

Linna said that after he was injured at the house on Killgriffe Street the first time, his father and Linna had a talk with him, warning him about hanging out with those teenagers.

‘We had conversations with Trent to tell him to quit hanging out with them,’ she said. ‘Again, he’s 19. So we would tell him he’s got to do something about this. But he said ”no, they’re my friends,” He didn’t want to do that. And that had to be his choice.’

Still, she said that she tried to persuade him to stay away.

‘I pleaded with him. I said, ”They’re not your friends, this is sick. They’re going to hurt you. This is not good. People who care about you don’t do this.”

Linna said that the family spent the day in Jacksonville on Saturday and then he took a flight to the psychiatric facility.

‘His one request was when you come can you bring the dogs, so I found a hotel that accepted dogs, and we brought all three dogs,’ Linna said.

The family has tried not to think about the criminal investigation but they don’t want others to get hurt.

‘Something has to be done, so this doesn’t happen again,’ she said. ‘It’s saddening, it’s saddening that kids would do this to other kids. It’s so awful. It’s terrible for anybody to do endure that kind of hurt.’

A Gofundme appeal for Trent’s medical bills has so far raised more than $120,000.

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