Georgia teen in ICU after brutal hazing incident

Georgia teen is in ICU after after being forced to guzzle vodka and magic mushrooms by schoolboys who then urinated on him and shared snap of abuse online

  • A teenager in Georgia was victimized by a group of young men, leaving him hospitalized and on a ventilator 
  • The alleged incident occurred last Tuesday night in Saint Simon’s Island, an affluent area of coastal Georgia
  • Police continue to investigate the incident, though they have yet to make any arrests

A Georgia teen was left on a ventilator after being forced to consume dangerous amounts of alcohol and magic mushrooms by his so-called friends in a brutal hazing ceremony.

Trent Lehrkamp, 19, remains in the intensive care unit in a stable condition following the out-of-control abuse he suffered during a spring break house party at a Saint Simon’s Island party last Tuesday.

Police are investigating whether a picture circulating on social media was taken during last week’s incident, which left the teen on life support after his breathing slowed to just six breaths a minute.

The image, which appears to have been taken on Snapchat, shows the Glynn Academy High School graduate sitting in a chair, unconscious, covered in spray paint, as several other teenage males stand behind him, flipping their middle fingers to the camera.

Snapchat image of Trent Lehrkamp allegedly being victimized by a group of teenage boys in Georgia last week

Lehrkamp was allegedly forced to consume dangerous amounts of alcohol, as well as magic mushrooms, in addition to being spray painted by the group of boys

A community Facebook account based in Glynn County called ‘Glynn County Citizens on Patrol’ posted a clip of the young man, apparently during a separate hazing incident, in which his head is bowed and he is being sprayed with a hose.

‘These fine young men bound an unconscious and unresponsive boy to a chair, spray painted him from head to toe, pissed on him, took a s*** on his lap and the list goes on and on,’ wrote the account, referring to last Tuesday’s incident.

The account alleged that the boys then ‘dropped him off at the ER. They gave their names and left.’

The county police department did not confirm any specifics about the alleged assault against the victim, but said a group of kids had dropped off the unconscious teen at a local hospital early Wednesday and departed prior to the arrival of the cops.

In a release, the agency said, ‘Officers did not see any signs of physical injury on the individual but did note the presence of spray paint.’

The teen was treated ‘due to a high level of intoxication, from a mixture of controlled substances and alcohol.’

Police continue to investigate the incident – which happened in an affluent area of coastal Georgia – and have collected evidence from the house where the party took place.

A GoFundMe for Lehrkamp, which has so far raised more than $50,000, said that Trent ‘expected to have a casual night with his friends’ but ‘wouldn’t know until it was too late that these were not friends, but vile and abusive perpetrators who would go on to torture, humiliate, and assault him in inhumane, terrifying ways for hours.’

A condemnatory post about the incident appeared on a Glynn County community Facebook page several days following the incident

An image shows Trent  hooked up to a ventilator in the intensive care unit following his traumatic outing

A video posted on Facebook shows a separate alleged hazing video, during which Trent was aggressively sprayed with water by a group who taunt him

The page adds that when he was dropped off at the hospital, he was ‘deemed inconclusive to life; only passing 6 breaths per minute.’

He has since regained enough strength to discuss the incident with police investigators. 

Some reports identified Lehrkamp as autistic, however, the organizer of the GoFundMe appeared to dispute that label.

‘As the story continues to travel, we want to make sure all of the information you are receiving is factual. Please know that Trent has never received a medical diagnosis of Autism,’ she wrote. 

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