How Katherine Ryan could have the last laugh on Russell Brand!

How Katherine Ryan could have the last laugh on Russell Brand! Comic who warned of ‘sexual predator’ in the industry could earn MILLIONS as new face of reignited #MeToo movement

  • READ MORE: Comedian Katherine Ryan breaks her silence on Russell Brand

Comedian Katherine Ryan could earn millions of pounds if she capitalises on being the new face of the #MeToo movement.

Katherine Ryan, 40, repeatedly accused Russell Brand, 48, of being a ‘sexual predator’ during filming for his last major television job in the UK before he was dropped from the show.

That was years before Brand was accused of rape and sexual assault in an investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4 published earlier this month, in which former colleagues claimed they had acted as ‘pimps’ to pass messages to attractive audience members.

He has vehemently denied the allegations – but the BBC, Channel 4 and production firm Banijay have launched investigations into his behaviour, while the Met Police says it is investigating a complaint received at the weekend. 

PR guru Penelope Banton told MailOnline Ryan could earn millions if she uses the coverage surrounding her part in the Russell Brand saga as a ‘springboard’ for her career.

Comedian Katherine Ryan (pictured this month at the National Television Awards) could earn millions of pounds if she capitalises on her new role as new face of the #MeToo movement

Katherine Ryan accused Russell Brand of being a ‘sexual predator’ in 2018. Pictured: Russell Brand left the Troubadour Wembley Park theatre in northwest London on September 16, 2023, after performing a comedy set

Brand was a judge on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle (pictured on the show with Ryan) in 2018 but was only included for one season after Ryan allegedly roasted him on-camera, calling him a ‘sexual predator’.

The digital PR chief at Embryo’s said: ‘What Katherine Ryan was talking about will fade away quite quickly if she doesn’t jump on it.

‘[She] has always been vocal in terms of women’s rights.

‘She’s very straight talking. This is a platform for her to capitalise on.’

Banton added Ryan could ‘get bigger… if she uses this in a classy way or capitalises on the fact she’s the woman of the moment’.

Andy Barr, a PR and reputation expert, said Ryan was ‘quickly becoming a figurehead for a new kind of empowerment that is even wider than the much-needed MeToo era’.

Brand was accused of rape and sexual assault in an investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4 published on earlier this month, in which former colleagues claimed they had acted as ‘pimps’ to pass messages to attractive audience members. He has vehemently denied the allegations

Barr told MailOnline: ‘Katherine Ryan has quickly become an inspiration and an icon for many. Her no-nonsense attitude and ability to get to the heart of an issue is not just related to the recent Brand allegations but more generally around how to just be a better person across the board.

‘There is no doubt that her rising TV and filming schedule is connected to her high popularity levels with viewers and willingness to speak out about the issues that matter to many.

‘She is quickly becoming a figurehead for a new kind of empowerment that is even wider than the much-needed MeToo era, and is something that sits across all sexes and issues and strives to make people question if they can simply be better humans.’

He added: ‘She will certainly be paving the way for bigger brands wanting to work with her on a commercial basis because of her rising positive profile. We have already seen her move slightly more mainstream and out of doing mainly panel shows and stand up tours. I would guess this will only get bigger and bigger as the positive sentiment around her as a brand, carries on growing.’

Katherine Ryan repeatedly accused Russell Brand of being a ‘sexual predator’ during filming for Roast Battle

Brand, pictured leaving the Troubadour Wembley Park theatre, was roasted by Ryan on-camera about allegations he sexually assaulted women

Another PR guru said: ‘Audiences increasingly view celebrities and public figures through the prism of ”brand values”. 

‘While I don’t think Katherine Ryan did what she did for any reason other than believing it was right to challenge predatory behaviour, the kind of integrity she showed in doing so can only further improve already positive perceptions of her as a public figure.

‘She challenged Brand’s behaviour when people in power were looking the other way, at great risk to her own career, which points to a degree of integrity and authenticity that is quite rare. 

‘Audiences value integrity and authenticity, and I think Ryan has that in spades – look at how she handled the NME Awards incident with Slow Thai in 2021. She also has the distinct advantage of being an exceptionally good comedian.

‘This whole episode is sordid and depressing, so I doubt whether Katherine Ryan has any interest in leveraging it to benefit her already stellar career, but the fact that she has transcended her role as a great comic and is now being revealed as an authentic, brave advocate for her female colleagues, will mean that people who may not have heard of her before will now be keen to support what she does next.

‘She doesn’t seem the type, but if she did want to ”cash in” on her newly elevated public profile, I think book publishers would be fighting over her signature, as would advertisers.’

Earlier this week, Ryan told The Mail that how she and her female co-stars have avoided speaking out about sexual predators working in the industry over fears they will be seen as ‘troublemakers’ 

Earlier this week, Ryan told The Mail that how she and her female co-stars have avoided speaking out about sexual predators working in the industry over fears they will be seen as ‘troublemakers.’ 

She also confirmed that female comics do share their stories and fears over which men are predatory because they view that as being the best way to keep themselves safe.

She said: ‘Do you think maybe that singles me out as a troublemaker? Do you think perhaps women don’t come forward for this and other similar reasons.

‘Women in my industry have these conversations and warn each other because that’s the best course of safe action for us.’ 

Katherine Ryan had already spoken out about Brand before the allegations were published this year. 

Brand was a judge on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle in 2018 but was only included for one season after Ryan allegedly roasted him on-camera, calling him a ‘sexual predator’.

Roast Battle consists of comedians cracking jokes at each other’s expense. The first season included Brand, Ryan, and Jimmy Carr. 

Jonathan Ross replaced Brand for the second season.

During filming of the show – created by Fulwell 73 – Ryan reportedly fired allegations at Brand. Her comments did not make the aired show, according to Deadline.

Ryan’s confrontations allegedly revealed how comedians in the industry were openly talking about Brand’s sexual and predatory behaviour. 

Ryan confirmed that female comics do share their stories and fears over which men are predatory because they view that as being the best way to keep themselves safe

Brand was allegedly ‘absolutely furious’ after being targeted by Ryan on the show, a source told the paper.

Two other sources claimed he demanded that producers protect him from being roasted about these serious allegations. 

Katherine Ryan previously claimed to have told a comedian ‘to his face’ that he was a sexual predator and that accusations against this person were an ‘open secret’.

The Canadian comic and writer told Louis Theroux that she had confronted the unnamed man while they worked together on a TV show in front of the audience ‘again and again’.

Brand was allegedly ‘absolutely furious’ after being targeted by Ryan on the show Roast Battle (pictured)

Katherine Ryan previously claimed to have told a comedian ‘to his face’ that he was a sexual predator and that accusations against this person were an ‘open secret’ 

On Thursday Katherine Ryan referenced her comments on Russell Brand for the first time since he was accused of rape and sexual assault this week. Pictured: Ryan on Roast Battle beside Brand 

Speaking in 2022, the 40-year-old said she had no qualms with doing so as she had decided to handle it ‘like a man’ – although the confrontation itself was later cut from the broadcast.

In her chat with Theroux, Ms Ryan claimed she had received criticism afterwards for not naming the person in question in public, but said just talking about him was a ‘litigious minefield’ as he had ‘very good lawyers’.

The comedian added that it was ‘not my story to tell’ but that she believed the accusations as the sources were ‘very credible’.

On Thursday Katherine Ryan referenced her comments on Russell Brand for the first time since he was accused of rape and sexual assault this week.

During an on-stage appearance at the RTS Cambridge on Wednesday evening, Katherine joked about the ‘elephant in the room’, after it was revealed she accused Brand of being a sexual predator.  

Katherine then insisted the ‘elephant’ she was referring to was her recent two-stone weight loss, as she avoided any further reference to her former colleague, 48.

During her appearance, Katherine joked that her weight loss was ‘the elephant in the room,’ but failed to mention Brand.

Brand denies any wrongdoing and has insisted all his relationships were consensual. 

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