Marco Pierre White Jnr JAILED after celebrity chef’s son goes on drug-fuelled crime spree | The Sun

THE son of celebrity chef Marco Pierre White has been jailed after going on a drug-fuelled crime spree.

Marco junior, who has been targeted in prison, admitted shoplifting, possessing a knife, carrying heroin and racially abuse over a 15-month period.

The 27-year-old, from Corsham in Wiltshire, was today banged up for almost a year, Bristol Post reports.

A court heard the former Big Brother contestant has been struggling with heroin addiction from the age of 18.

During his crime spree, he stole clothes worth £2,496 from posh equestrian shop Wadswick Country Store, racially abused a Tesco Express security guard and shoplifted spirits from a branch of Waitrose.

He also nicked a Mulberry credit card holder, Co-op dishwasher tablets, Raybans, and booze from a newsagents, and repeatedly flouted a suspended sentence order.

But a judge at Bristol Crown Court heard today that the defendant is having a tough time on remand – because of his dad's fame.

Catherine Flint, mitigating, said: "His dad is well-known and known to be wealthy.

"He [the defendant] has suffered bullying, intimidation, extortion, threats of violence and actual violence.

"He is finding it incredibly difficult in prison. He is terrified at the thought of ever having to go back."

Marco junior has been addicted to class As since getting into a car accident at the age of 18, it was heard. He has detoxed in jail, despite being offered drugs by other inmates, Miss Flint said.

He is "deeply ashamed" of the racist language he used on the shop security guard, she added.

"He would very much like an opportunity from this court for another chance to try and get his life back on track," the barrister said.

However, Judge Mark Horton jailed Marco junior today – despite hearing his father has offered him a job as a chef upon his release.

"It is addiction that causes intelligent people, from good backgrounds, who had every prospect, to cheat, lie and steal on a regular basis with a complete incapacity to stop doing so," he said.

Marco junior was sentenced to 11 months behind bars, with 32 weeks of a previously suspended jail term to run consecutively.

The star has a history of drug addiction and petty crime.

He once bragged that he squandered £250,000 of Pierre White senior's money on "prostitutes, cocaine and alcohol" in just three months during his 2016 Big Brother appearance.

He first went to rehab when he was sixteen years old, and has been in and out of facilities ever since.


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