Prince Harry prepares for crunch court showdown TOMORROW over UK security police protection row | The Sun

PRINCE Harry is braced for a crunch court showdown TOMORROW over his UK security and police protection row.

The Duke of Sussex is suing the Home Office because it refused to spend taxpayers' money on his bodyguards after he quit royal life.

Harry, 37, who quit royal duty and privileges that come with the job to live in California with Meghan Markle two years ago, says he feels "unsafe" in the UK.

He wants to fund his own Met Police armed bodyguards but the Home Office refused.

The duke is also arguing that his private protection team in the US does not have adequate jurisdiction abroad or access to UK intelligence information which is needed to keep his family safe.

Thursday's hearing will discuss whether Harry can proceed with the case – although the duke is not expected to attend in person.

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The judge will then decide whether there is an arguable case to go to full trial.

Tomorrow's showdown will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice in London before Mr Justice Swift, who previously ruled some of the legal battle will remain a secret with some documents redacted.

Both Harry and the Home Office are said to agree on the "vast majority" of what should be redacted from witness evidence.

The Sussexes were stripped of their round-the-clock protection when they stepped back from royal duties two years ago.

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Harry later moaned he is unable to return with Meg, Archie and Lilibet, "because it is too dangerous".

He gets security when he stays at Frogmore Cottage or attends royal events but has to fend for himself if he wants to see friends and visit his UK charities.

In a statement earlier this year, a legal representative for the duke said: "Prince Harry inherited a security risk at birth, for life.

“He remains sixth in line to the throne, served two tours of combat duty in Afghanistan, and in recent years his family has been subjected to well-documented neo-Nazi and extremist threats.

"While his role within the institution has changed, his profile as a member of the royal family has not. Nor has the threat to him and his family.

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"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex personally fund a private security team for their family, yet that security cannot replicate the necessary police protection needed whilst in the UK.

"In the absence of such protection, Prince Harry and his family are unable to return to his home.”

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