Republicans demand total BAN on gender reassignment surgeries

Republicans demand total BAN on gender reassignment surgeries: This is a ‘Frankenstein experiment on children’

  • Kat Cammack called minor gender reassignment a ‘Frankenstein experiment’  
  • Slammed her Democratic colleagues for walking out of a hearing last week when she began playing video of an expert discussing the procedures
  • Cammack is pushing to make sure no taxpayers funds go toward these surgeries 

Democrats staged a walk-out of a hearing last week after Republicans began showing a video of a minor gender reassignment surgery expert admitting there are a lot of unknowns involving the procedure.

Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., said the surgeries Democrats want to approve for children is like a ‘Frankenstein experiment.’

She slammed her Democratic colleagues in the Energy and Commerce Committee for refusing to listen to the facts related to surgeries for prepubescent children and other minors.

The congresswoman explained that she believes Democrats walked out because they know the surgeon in the video was ‘proving’ and affirming, perhaps unintentionally, that these surgeries should not be performed in adolescents.

‘This is experimental, this is, I want to say, almost akin to a Frankenstein experiment on children,’ Cammack told Fox & Friends on Monday morning. ‘There is no consent that you can give as an adolescent to change your anatomy.’

Florida Rep. Kat Cammack (pictured) called relatively-new gender reassignment surgery for minors a ‘Frankenstein experiment’ as she slammed her Democratic colleagues for walking out of a hearing last week when she began playing video of an expert discussing the procedures

Once video started playing of an expert on gender reassignment surgery, Democrats on the Energy and Commerce Committee stood and walked out of the hearing room

The Energy and Commerce Committee was meeting last Wednesday to discuss funding for children’s hospitals. Cammack claims that Democrats are not willing to address the impending threat of a physician shortage without also including in any new laws the right for minors to seek and undergo gender reassignment surgeries.

After the panel took a recess and voted on whether to show the video, Democrats were seen getting up from their seats and walking out of the room in protest.

The video included clips of Dr. Blair Peters of the Oregon Health & Science University Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Clinic answering questions regarding their gender reassignment surgeries for children – specifically those who have not yet gone through puberty.

‘The one thing that is very new is genital surgeries,’ Peters says in the video Cammack played.

‘The adolescents for sure present some unique challenges,’ the doctor continued. ‘Obviously there’s great evidence supporting pubertal suppression for a whole variety of benefits. But the one thing that is very new is genital surgery in someone that has underwent pubertal suppression.’

Peters admitted that: ‘As a specialty, those of us that do a very high volume of gender reaffirming surgery, we’ve maybe done a handful, a couple of pubertal suppression adolescents. And no one’s published on it yet.’

Cammack says this is proof that these types of procedures should not be funded by taxpayers as they remain in experimental stages – and remain highly controversial for Republicans.

‘In this video, the surgeon himself admits that these kids have, in many cases, not had their first sexual experiences, and how do they affirm what things are supposed to feel like and look like when they just don’t know?’ Cammack questioned when discussing Monday morning the Democrat protest of the video.

‘They talk at length in this interview, in this video that things in the operating room never stay the way that they actually are going to be.’

Dr. Blair Peters (pictured) of the Oregon Health & Science University Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Clinic was featured in the video answering questions regarding their gender reassignment surgeries for children – specifically those who have not yet gone through puberty

It comes as Republicans push to ban gender reassignment surgeries for minors – and hope to ensure no taxpayer funds are going toward the procedures

She added that Dr. Peters admitted they are many times ‘just trying to figure it out in the moment’ how to conduct these surgeries since there is no playbook or precedent set for them yet.

‘They are using robots, taking the stomach lining of these kids’ bodies to create canals. It’s a giant experiment at taxpayer expense on kids that really are just trying to figure themselves out,’ Cammack lamented.

‘Now, if you are an adult, that’s your choice,’ she added, ‘but these kids haven’t even gone through puberty in some cases.’

‘Essentially Republicans are trying to address the physician shortage which by 2034 is going to be 125,000 doctors short, by saying we are going to focus on the real issues here and addressing this physician shortage. Radical Democrats said no, not unless we include gender affirming surgeries for adolescents. It’s crazy.’

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