Victory for Georgia protesters as plans for Putin-like laws are halted

Victory for protesters in Georgia as government halts plan to bring in Putin-like authoritarian laws following two days of demonstrations

  • Protesters said the proposed bill was inspired by an authoritarian Russian law
  • The ruling Georgian Dream party said it would ‘unconditionally withdraw the bill’

Georgia’s ruling party said on Thursday it was dropping a controversial ‘foreign agent’ bill after two nights of furious protests against the law seen as reminiscent of Russian legislation used to silence critics. 

Concern has been growing that the ex-Soviet nation, which aspires to join the EU and NATO, is taking an authoritarian turn and maintaining links with Moscow.

The announcement came after two days of large-scale protests, including a rally Wednesday that saw Georgian police fire water cannon and tear gas at thousands of demonstrators and issue a dispersal order.

The Georgian Dream ruling party said in a statement it would ‘unconditionally withdraw the bill we supported without any reservations’. It cited the need to reduce ‘confrontation’ in society.

The bill would have required Georgian organisations receiving more than 20 per cent of their funding from abroad to register as ‘foreign agents’ or face fines.

A man waves a Georgian national flag in front of a burning barricade as other protesters stand behind not far from the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi in the early hours of Thursday morning

Police in riot gear face protesters in Tbilisi late on Wednesday night

Ruling party Georgian Dream said in a statement the bill had been ‘represented in a bad light and in a misleading way,’ adding that it would launch public consultations to ‘better explain’ the law’s purpose after announcing its withdrawal.

A European Union delegation in Georgia immediately cheered the halt, saying they ‘encourage all political leaders in Georgia to resume pro-EU reforms.’

Massive crowds had gathered in front of the parliament building in central Tbilisi on Wednesday, holding EU and Georgian flags, and chanting ‘no to the Russian law’.

The protesters demanded authorities drop the bill on ‘transparency of foreign funding,’ which critics said mirrors a law used in Russia to force media and dissenting groups to shut down.

Elene Ksovreli, 16, said Georgians did not want to see their future threatened.

‘We will not allow them to make Russia define our future,’ she told AFP. ‘We, young people, are here to protect our everything.’

Another demonstrator, 72-year-old Aza Akhvlediani, called the country’s government ‘stupid’.

‘I know what’s happening in Moscow. They stop every passerby and do whatever they please to them. I think the Georgian government wants the same,’ she said.

A police car burns near remnants of the barricade after clashes between demonstrators and police on a street near the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi in the small hours of Thursday morning

protesters wave the Georgian, Ukrainian and European flags during a demonstration called by Georgian opposition and civil society groups on Wednesday night

In response to the unfurling situation, Washington urged the government to show ‘restraint’ and allow peaceful protests, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for ‘democratic success’ in ‘friendly Georgia’.

Protesters were also out Tuesday after ruling party lawmakers approved the draft law on ‘foreign agents’ in its first reading.

Clashes ensued with police using tear gas and water cannon against the demonstrators.

Police said more than 70 demonstrators had been detained and 50 police officers injured during the protests Tuesday.

Tom de Waal, a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, said that both the bill and crackdown represented a serious challenge in the politically turbulent country.

‘It’s a big moment for Georgia, still a democracy, but definitely a struggling one,’ he said on Twitter.

In Russia, the Kremlin has extensively used the ‘foreign agent’ label against opponents, journalists and human rights activists accused of leading foreign-funded political activities.

Georgian authorities have faced mounting international criticism over a perceived backsliding on democracy, seriously damaging Tbilisi’s ties with Brussels.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili has defended his ‘balanced’ policy as aimed at ensuring ‘peace and stability’.

Russia and Georgia fought a five-day war in 2008.

Georgian President Salome Zourabishvili has expressed support for the demonstrators and vowed to veto the legislation.

Police detain a protester near the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, Thursday night

The remnants of the barricade burn on a street, not far from the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi on Thursday evening

‘Today is a dark day for Georgia’s democracy,’ the US embassy in Georgia said after the initial reading of the bill.

According to the ministry, 76 people had been arrested for minor hooliganism and disobeying law enforcement following Tuesday’s clashes.

One more person was held for attacking the police, the ministry said.

Georgia applied for EU membership together with Ukraine and Moldova days after Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year.

In June, EU leaders granted formal candidate status to Kyiv and Chisinau but said Tbilisi must implement a number of reforms first.

Plans to join NATO and the EU are enshrined in Georgia’s constitution and are supported by at least 80 percent of the population, according to opinion polls.

Georgia’s treatment of jailed ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili, whose health has drastically deteriorated in prison, has also drawn international condemnation.

Late last month, European Union member states issued a formal diplomatic warning to Georgia’s leaders over Saakashvili’s health.

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