Zelensky urges NATO to recognise 'reality' that Ukraine should join

Zelensky urges NATO to recognise ‘reality’ that Ukraine should be a member of the military alliance at London conference – as Rishi Sunak vows more financial support and jokes he might visit for his summer holiday

Volodymyr Zelensky urged NATO to recognise the ‘reality’ that Ukraine should be a member of the military alliance as he addressed a conference in London today.

Speaking remotely from Kyiv, the president said leaders need to have the ‘courage’ to acknowledge that the fates of their countries were already linked.

He also appealed for international support for Ukraine to recover economically from the war with Russia.

The comments came after Rishi Sunak announced £2.35billion in bank loan guarantees to bolster the rebuilding of Kyiv, in partnership with the World Bank.

And the PM joked that he might go to the Ukrainian capital for his summer holidays, after Mr Zelensky noted that he had not visited for a while.  

Volodymyr Zelensky urged NATO to recognise the ‘reality’ that Ukraine should be a member of the military alliance as he addressed a conference in London today

The comments came after Rishi Sunak announced £2.35billion in bank loan guarantees to bolster the rebuilding of Kyiv, in partnership with the World Bank

Thousands of delegates from business, government and civil society groups have gathered for the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which Mr Sunak hailed in an opening address as an opportunity to ‘plant the seeds of Ukraine’s future’

Thousands of delegates from business, government and civil society groups have gathered for the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which Mr Sunak hailed in an opening address as an opportunity to ‘plant the seeds of Ukraine’s future’. 

Mr Zelensky said: ‘The eyes of the world are looking at us and whether we will defeat Russian aggression exactly as freedom deserves to win, that is without compromising our values.

‘Also, the world is watching to see if we will restore normal life in such a way that our transformation will land an ideological defeat on the aggressor.

‘We protect Ukraine, and thus we protect freedom. And when we build Ukraine, we’ll build freedom.’

As well as stepping up his push for Ukraine to join NATO and the EU, Mr Zelensky highlighted Ukraine’s importance in global food supply and its potential to become a major green energy power.

He said the country could be ‘the largest source of economic, industrial and technological growth in Europe for decades and decades’.

Downing Street said the loan guarantees amount to the first bilateral package of multi-year fiscal assistance to be set out by a G7 country, with the funding expected to support public services, including the cost of running schools and hospitals.

Mr Sunak also announced a commitment of up to £250million of new capital for British International Investment, the UK’s development finance institution.

‘Before this terrible war, Ukraine’s economy was becoming a huge investment opportunity,’ Mr Sunak said.

‘It was the breadbasket of Europe, exporting millions of tonnes of food and grain each month, a top-five exporter of iron ore and steel, a leader in energy – pushing forward renewables, hydrogen and electric vehicles – and a start-up nation which helped spark names like PayPal, WhatsApp and Revolut, with a thriving tech sector which actually had a record year in 2022.

‘The truth is, that opportunity is still there today – in fact the war has only proved how much Ukraine has to offer.’

Ms von der Leyen also told the conference she has ‘no doubt’ that Ukraine will join the EU.

Praising the country’s progress on reform, she said: ‘Together we gather here to tell Ukrainians that their dream is also our dream.

‘Ukrainians tell us, when they imagine their future, they see Europe’s flag flying over their cities. I have no doubt that Ukraine will be part of our union.’

Mr Zelensky also appeared to offer Mr Sunak a fresh invitation to visit Ukraine, following his trip there last year.

‘By the way, Prime Minister Rishi, we have not seen each other in Kyiv for quite a while.’

Mr Sunak responded: ‘Thank you, Volodymyr, not least for providing options for my summer holiday in a couple of months.’

Boris Johnson, who has been a vocal backer of Ukraine since leaving office, called for the West to focus on ‘ensuring a Ukrainian victory’ and equip Kyiv with F-16 fighter jets.

Ursula von der Leyen also told the conference she has ‘no doubt’ that Ukraine will join the EU

‘We need to focus on the Ukrainian counter-offensive and make sure that the Ukrainians have everything that they could possibly need,’ he said in a video posted on Twitter.

‘For months and months I have been saying that what they need is the deep fires, the long-range … missiles that they’re going to need to take out the Russian command-and-control positions.

‘It’s also increasingly clear that it’s no good just giving the Ukrainians help with armour from the West, armoured vehicles, Bradleys, Challenger tanks, Leopards, and so forth, unless the Ukrainians also have air superiority.

‘That’s why we’ve got to go back to that question urgently of giving them the F-16s, the planes that they need to command the airspace and take out those Russian attack helicopters.

‘So, my message to everybody is very simple: Yes, of course, let’s talk about rebuilding Ukraine. Let’s talk about the Ukrainian recovery, but the absolute pre-requisite of that conversation is ensuring a Ukrainian victory, and a Ukrainian victory as fast as possible.’

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