Ex-LAFD Captain Claims He Was Ordered To Photograph Kobe Crash Scene

A former LAFD member claims he was ordered to take photographs of the Kobe Bryant crash scene … this according to new testimony in the trial.

Brian Jordan — an ex-captain with the Los Angeles Fire Department — testified that while he doesn’t recall being at the actual site of the crash due to memory issues, he clearly remembers being told to take pictures by high-ranking officials.

“I followed many instructions that day but was told ‘take pictures, take pictures, take pictures,'” Jordan said. However, a Chief from LAFD vehemently denies instructing Jordan to capture images from the scene.

Jordan — who retired from LAFD in 2021 in part due to the mental anguish he suffered as a result of this ordeal — needed to leave the courtroom multiple times at different points as he was probed with hard-hitting questions surrounding the specifics of the trial.

When asked if any of the pictures he captured contained images of body parts, Jordan said, “Thank you, now I see intestines in my head.” Brian was so distraught over the proceedings that, at one point, he turned and said to the judge, “I don’t want to hear this drama.”

Raul Versales, a deputy with the LA Sheriff’s Department, testified that he never made it to the crash site … adding that he received approximately 30 photos from Deputy Doug Johnson. As we previously reported, Johnson said during the trial he had no regrets about taking photos of the remains, claiming higher-ups with LAFD ordered him to do so.

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Versales told the courtroom that none of the photos were close-up body parts … but did say there’s a possibility arm could be visible in the distance. An investigation by the Sheriff’s Dept. determined that there were violations of the use of communication protocols in Versales’ cellphone.

Still, he did not receive discipline, nor was he suspended for his actions.

Rafael Mejia — another member of the LA Sherriff’s Department — testified that he was sent the sensitive photographs and sent them to Versales. Mejia sent approx. 15-20 photos to Versales, according to his testimony.

As previously reported, Vanessa Bryant is currently embroiled in a contentious lawsuit with the L.A. County Sherriff’s Dept. among others .. after she learned 8 deputies took photos of the remains of Kobe and her late daughter, Gianna, and shared them with family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers.

Mejia is the man who sent the photos to Joey Cruz. Cruz is accused of showing the photos at a bar.

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