Hollywood Vampires Abruptly Cancel Hungary Concert Because Johnny Depp Reportedly Did WHAT??

The Hollywood Vampires haven’t had an easy time of it in Europe lately.

The band, helmed by veteran rockstar Alice Cooper and longtime A-list actor Johnny Depp, has been playing concerts in central and western Europe this summer. But over the past week, all that has come grinding to a (temporary) halt. That’s because they canceled TWO shows at the last minute in both Hungary and Slovakia. And the claims being made about why they nixed those two performances are certainly leaving fans perplexed, to say the least…

So, this all started back on Tuesday night, when the Hollywood Vampires canceled their show at the Papp László Sport Arena in Budapest, Hungary at the very last minute. They did not give a reason for the cancellation. But days later, rumors and reports flying around the central European nation began suggesting some jaw-dropping issues.

According to Daily News Hungary, the Budapest concert was canceled because Depp allegedly “passed out so badly that a doctor had to be called to his hotel room” prior to the show.


That outlet further cites claims made by the Hungarian-language media outlet Blikk, which quoted an unnamed usher supposedly set to work the Budapest show. That usher claimed the Vampires had completed sound checks that afternoon and were ready to roll for the evening’s show when everything came crashing down at the last minute:

“Everything was set, the stage was set, the backstage crew was ready for the party. It didn’t even occur to me that there could be a problem, especially as the band members had done the sound set-up that had been scheduled for the afternoon. No one thought any more about the fact that Johnny Depp didn’t take part, his microphone was set up by a staff member, but that’s not unusual for such stars.”

The usher then added more about what he heard regarding the Pirates of the Caribbean star’s alleged condition just prior to the show in Budapest:

“All we’ve heard is that Depp was over-excited, he couldn’t even leave the hotel. We also heard that they called a doctor to see if there was anything more wrong with him than simply overdoing it as a rock star.”


Now, the Hollywood Vampires have not commented on a reason behind the Budapest cancellation beyond calling it a problem of “unforeseen circumstances.” So, these claims being made by Hungarian outlets are unconfirmed at this point. But the whole situation got even stickier days later when the band canceled a SECOND show in Slovakia, too!

The group was originally supposed to play their Slovakia show at the Olympic Fields venue in the city of Zvolenska Slatina, Slovakia. Days before the scheduled show, the concert was suddenly moved to Amphitheatre Banska Bystrica, which is about 20 miles away from the original venue. Fair enough, right? Well, it wasn’t over.

On the day of that show late last week, the Hollywood Vampires abruptly nixed it, as well! They cited “unsafe” and “incomplete” work done at the second venue. In a statement released to their fans, the band claimed:

“Upon arrival today to the venue in Slovakia to begin to set-up for tonight’s performance, it quickly became clear that the construction of the facility was incomplete, and therefore unsafe for both the band and the general public. The band is very upset by this recent and unfortunate turn of events, and hope to return when schedules permit.”

FWIW, the band’s statement about the Slovakia cancellation did specifically say it was “unrelated” to the prior Budapest one. And while they did not mention more about the Budapest claims regarding Depp, they briefly noted that “all band members are safe and healthy,” per The Mirror. So, that’s good?

The Hollywood Vampires’ opening act JORN also called out the Slovakian venue in a statement of their own late last week. They claimed:

“ was canceled due to the promoter not fulfilling their contractual obligations, and in addition, have stopped communicating with us, we see no other option.”


Whatever is going on, we just hope everybody is OK. Fans, venue staff, the Vampires themselves, and Johnny…

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