Judi Dench backs fight to end blue badge parking ban

Dame Judi Dench has thrown her “wholehearted support” behind a campaign demanding the end of a ban on disabled parking in one of Britain’s most historic cities. There has been widespread anger since people with blue badges were barred from parking in pedestrianised areas of York city centre in November 2021.

Police warned rogue badges could be used in a terror attack.

But the decision angered many of those affected, who said they had been made to feel like “second-class citizens”.

Now Dame Judi, who was born in the Heworth area of the city, has sent a message of support to the campaigners.

Marilyn Crawshaw, from Reverse The Ban, said the Oscar winner’s support was a “great boost”, adding they were “absolutely delighted” to have received a message from her.

Dame Judi, 88, said: “York city centre is a rare jewel that should be free for all to enjoy, including those with a disability and for whom accessible parking is essential. As someone living with sight loss, I know only too well how gaining access to places can be exceptionally difficult.

“York city centre should be fully accessible through these types of schemes.

“I should like to offer my wholehearted support to people who are asking the council to reconsider any ban to the blue badge scheme in the city centre.” Ms Crawshaw said: “It’s lovely to think that somebody with such a high profile is willing to speak out.”

Campaigners added that Dame Judi had joined “a growing list of well-known figures that want to see the blue badge ban reversed”.

Ms Crawshaw said her words were “particularly heart-warming and encouraging and we hope it will help the situation change”.

The parking ban came into force after the council installed anti-terror measures to prevent the risk of so-called hostile vehicle attacks.

Councillors previously said they had approved mitigation measures, including dropped kerbs, an access officer and a feasibility study into an accessible shuttle service.

Ms Crawshaw said postgraduates from York University had conducted research into the way counter-terror measures could be reconciled with meeting the rights of disabled people and the findings would be published soon.

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