Kay: King Charles is ‘the nation’s grandpa’ & he remains ‘stoically silent’ about Harry

One of the last times “royal expert/columnist” Richard Kay appeared on the Mail’s Palace Confidential show, he folded like a cheap suit when asked about Prince William’s sad “I wanna be a global statesman” trip to New York. After hitting all of Kensington Palace’s talking points, Kay was asked if he thinks William is just shy. Kay was like, no actually he’s awkward, stilted, careful and not a natural on his feet. It was hilarious. Well, Kay was allowed back on Palace Confidential, this time armed with Buckingham Palace’s talking points about King Charles ahead of Chuck’s 75th birthday. Kay closed his eyes and thought of England:

King Charles has gone from a ‘confused young man’ to the ‘nation’s grandfather’ thanks to his love and support from wife Camilla, a royal expert has claimed. Speaking in a special episode of Palace Confidential to celebrate the monarch’s 75th birthday next month, Richard Kay shared how Charles has become ‘very comfortable in his skin.’

‘Prince of Wales as he then was, was a confused man. He was constantly competing with his wife [Princess Diana] and unsure of himself he was often being criticised in public. But the king he is today? He’s a man much more comfortable in his skin in large part because of his marriage to Queen Camilla.’

However, Charles’ first year as king has been dominated by the issues of ‘Harry, Meghan and Andrew’.

‘I think that’s going to go on. I think what’s interesting is what his response has been,’ Mr Kay added. ‘He has remained stoically silent, indeed almost impervious to many statements and remarks that have come out of California, and I think that will continue. He is becoming I think what he wants to be, which is the nation’s grandpa. It was always going to be such a difficult act to follow after the queen.’.

Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English added that senior member’s of royal staff have told he the King would be the ‘first to admit’ that he ‘made mistakes in his personal life’ in the past. She added: ‘But should he be expected to pay for those mistakes for the rest of time on earth? Time is a healer and people have come to accept the man that he is. He’s in a much happier place personally and that seeps into his professional life.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Charles was “a confused man. He was constantly competing with his wife [Princess Diana] and unsure of himself.” This version of Charles was a man in his 30s and 40s. And it wasn’t confusion, he treated Diana like sh-t because he was jealous of her and he cheated on her constantly because he has zero morals. As for “the nation’s grandpa” – curious that this palace fluff is being mentioned in the same breath as the Sussexes. Because the nation’s grandpa left his son and grandson in mortal danger when he withdrew their security, and then he evicted his grandchildren from their British home.

While I’m usually loath to actually embed the Palace Confidential videos, I have chosen to do this week because the longer they go on in this episode, the more bonkers it gets about Camilla. From Richard Eden talking about how Camilla has never “had a job” before now, to Kay blowing smoke about how Camilla is “incredibly brave” and “she sacrificed a lot,” this whole thing is completely unhinged. What did Camilla “sacrifice” again? Her first marriage, willingly, by choice, when she decided to carry on with another woman’s husband for years? What was Camilla sacrificing when she briefed her favorite royal reporters about Diana being “crazy”? Kay underlines Camilla’s “value” to Charles by saying “what really commends her is she is no way any kind of threat to the king, she’s not going to steal his thunder, she’s not going to duck into the limelight…” Imagine being a whole-ass 75 year old king and the only woman you can stand to be around is the woman who is uncharismatic, lazy, dull enough to never overshadow you. How is any of this a compliment to Charles?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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